The Prodigy
Thank you so much for being honest. I’ve been saying those diasporas going abroad are waste of spaces bringing more problems
Most are essentially useless and I expect nothing from them.
Thank you so much for being honest. I’ve been saying those diasporas going abroad are waste of spaces bringing more problems
It's an evil benefit, every time I go to Africa, I spend half my pocket money feeding street kids and homeless women, I stopped feeding most homeless men because they would just use the money to go buy jaad with.
I would even use my family name to stop idiot locals from oppressing minorities and non somalis like innocent oromo kids wallahi. I did this as a teenager on my first trip, but those ex hoodrats living in exile in Somalia couldn't do that in 5-6 yearsf*ck them. How can anyone see a homeless 8 year old and just bully them and call them dark/ugly etc, wtf is wrong with these people?
My plan is to one day do a lot of good back home and when I die, inshallah give it to minorities and oppressed people there. I don't know why our people are so cruel to others, but come to America/Canada/UK and cry about being a fucking minority.I think Allah is punishing Somalia for their cruelty against others wallahi.
If men emulated the prophet, we wouldn't have all the problems we have.
You have men on here constantly arguing with women and trying to compete with them, forgetting that Allah created Adam first and then Hawa from Adam.
Men are here to lead us, provide for us and protect us!
NOT insult us or make us work in the hot sun during the day like a manual labourer and then work in the house.
Allah sees all injustice and will deal with it. That's it for me in this topic.
What is your solution to solve this problem so we all can move forward?
Return to Islam!
If people followed the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammed SAW, we would instantly become a normal nation again. I am convinced of this.
Our forefathers were so wealthy that they used to donate to Saudi Arabia (before they got their hands on Oil). Our men are wasting their wealth on khat or tea in coffee shops instead of spending their money on worthy causes/businesses.
We have lost our way and our pride, only Allah can save us at this point.
I saw the same thing, the behaviour of daqaan celis kids was shameful.I can only speak about what I saw in Somalia.
Anytime I saw a diaspora dude in the suuq that I wanted to make a business with,or just hang and talk to ( Its somalia thats what you do)
I realized (99%) they were all ex gangster trash living off their mother's/fathers remittance from over seas. Some have been living in Somalia for over 5 years, yet did not
Thw 1% that weren't like that, were living off nepotism and had a government job ( through nepotism), and were maintaining the same oppressive system.
- Help any street kids
- empower women
- give to charity
- teach anyone english
- create business/jobs
- go to school
What I saw was guys who were nothing in the diaspora ( The 99%), go to africa and decide to just oppress others, and feel like they have power for once.How can you ask a bakhti to give that up after being locked up in jail in America/Canada/UK and being called ******?
If they did teach a kid english, they taught them swear words like , f*ck you etc.
That's the exact moment when I realized Somali women will save Somalia.
When I start my business in Africa, I'm making all my managers women wallahi. In fact in Somalia, all the businesses accountants/ the person who manages the books etc are women because they are the only ones who won't steal it for jaad.
Somalia will be saved by the Somali female diaspora, and educated Somali guys back home tired of the bullshit.
If men emulated the prophet, we wouldn't have all the problems we have.
You have men on here constantly arguing with women and trying to compete with them, forgetting that Allah created Adam first and then Hawa from Adam.
Men are here to lead us, provide for us and protect us!
NOT insult us or make us work in the hot sun during the day like a manual labourer and then work in the house.
Allah sees all injustice and will deal with it. That's it for me in this topic.
Return to Islam!
If people followed the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammed SAW, we would instantly become a normal nation again. I am convinced of this.
Our forefathers were so wealthy that they used to donate to Saudi Arabia (before they got their hands on Oil). Our men are wasting their wealth on khat or tea in coffee shops instead of spending their money on worthy causes/businesses.
We have lost our way and our pride, only Allah can save us at this point.
When I was in Somaliland I saw similar stuff there where good guys who went back and where humble and helped people but there where many diaspora who where sent there for dhaqan celis they where worseI can only speak about what I saw in Somalia.
Anytime I saw a diaspora dude in the suuq that I wanted to make a business with,or just hang and talk to ( Its somalia thats what you do)
I realized (99%) they were all ex gangster trash living off their mother's/fathers remittance from over seas. Some have been living in Somalia for over 5 years, yet did not
Thw 1% that weren't like that, were living off nepotism and had a government job ( through nepotism), and were maintaining the same oppressive system.
- Help any street kids
- empower women
- give to charity
- teach anyone english
- create business/jobs
- go to school
What I saw was guys who were nothing in the diaspora ( The 99%), go to africa and decide to just oppress others, and feel like they have power for once.How can you ask a bakhti to give that up after being locked up in jail in America/Canada/UK and being called ******?
If they did teach a kid english, they taught them swear words like , f*ck you etc.
That's the exact moment when I realized Somali women will save Somalia.
When I start my business in Africa, I'm making all my managers women wallahi. In fact in Somalia, all the businesses accountants/ the person who manages the books etc are women because they are the only ones who won't steal it for jaad.
Somalia will be saved by the Somali female diaspora, and educated Somali guys back home tired of the bullshit.
The thing is a lot of Somalis praise Somali women for being so strong they wake up 5 in the morning prepare breakfast and clean the whole house and than on top of that go to school or work and come back from school and do more work in the housewhy is it women in Somalia are being so masculinized? It’s so sad seeing a mother in jilbab carrying a gun or working in construction. And I’m tired of people praising this as how strong and independent somali women are or use this to score points against other muslim cultures ( at least our women are independent yada yada) in reality this is nothing short of extreme oppression. Women are forced to do both traditionally feminine roles as the mother/ housewives along with rearing livestock and maintaining beeraha and now you see the women doing all these masculine things while wearing full jilbab! even their faces are losing femininity as all the women look harsh and beaten down.
They make enough money and that’s there free time dummyIt’s exist where women are the provider warya
Need to open your eyes why odayasha (excluding taxi drivers) at cafe during in work hours (11am to 3pm)
Women in Saudi have the support of men (buying them Ferrari’s and shit) but are running away due to lack of freedom
Women in the west are running from freedom to Dubai and Saudi for financial support(escorts)women are the most fickle creatures
a country as poor as Somalia usually has all the children as child prostitutes elsewhere but we protect our women
let them get education freedom and do as they please
They make enough money and that’s there free time dummythe odaayal I see at the coffee shop are usually filthy rich ie own cab companies that hire all those Somalis working hard in taxis
I’ve never seen a Somali women that’s a provider other than single moms after divorce with an ajanibi
I could be wrong but isn't Somalia already 99.9% Muslims already?
Some of us blame the Islam when it come to Somalia that's when everything went wrong for the Somalis?
As for me i see the Somalis don't see themselves the same people their identify themselves as a clans and tribe and fighting over the territory. Also looting from other clans territory is part of their culture this is well known in Somali historical. Perhaps this is a old habit of Somalis subconsciously behavior and repeating itself.
I can't speak to the stable income part. I didn't see that when I went back home but money remittance has made people very lazy and ungrateful. The women take care of the home and the men do...nothing. I always wonder what they're going to do when Millenial & generation Z Somalis refuse to send money.
Hopefully when the westernised future generations refuse to send money it’ll be a wake up call to the locals who have gone lazy off of remittances.
The thing is a lot of Somalis praise Somali women for being so strong they wake up 5 in the morning prepare breakfast and clean the whole house and than on top of that go to school or work and come back from school and do more work in the house
All of this goes under appreciated People take it all for granted and just expected
Only reason it’s like this is
Because Somali girls been raised from a young age to handle an entire household by themselves they know the duty and responsibility that goes in taking care of a family
This same responsibility isn’t felt by a lot of Somali guys who will sit back in the driver seat while the woman takes charge and leads
Hopefully when the westernised future generations refuse to send money it’ll be a wake up call to the locals who have gone lazy off of remittances.
Yooooo, one of the funniest conversations I had was with taxi drivers in somalia saying ‘yeah the white man is evil they are locking up all our boys for no reason and they gotta escape to somalia’
I died and ask them if that’s the lie those 30 year old dhaqan Celis told them loool , I had to explain that wasn’t true and they are fucking criminals. Waa waali.