Somali Currency

In Somaliland roughly 8650 LAND = $1

spent 60,000 land on burger meal today, it was $6.50 on the menu.

Caano geel straight from the camel is 15,000 land.

taxi cab sharing is 3000 land, tea is 2000 from nearly everywhere.


In Somaliland roughly 8650 LAND = $1

spent 60,000 land on burger meal today, it was $6.50 on the menu.

Caano geel straight from the camel is 15,000 land.

taxi cab sharing is 3000 land, tea is 2000 from nearly everywhere.
In Djibouti it's 177.94 DjibFranc = $1


Death Awaits You
Crazy to think the Somali Shilling was once a reliable currency. I wish someone can find the data-sets for 1970's, I was told the shilling devalued after 1978 (due to the war).. Maybe $1 USD = $3 SOS at the time..
View attachment 250658
From 1980 to 1989, the SOS lost 98.7% of its value against the US $ ??? If that's true, the barrre regime was already in big trouble prior to the civil war.