Somali dad : « You are no daugther of mine »


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros

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”Cheap b*tches” 💀 the father seems like a mess himself. Also whats up with somali parents speaking english to their kids

Dysfunction begets dysfunction. I see 'parents' insulting their offspring and acting shocked their crotch fruit are feral as teens and adults. What's more, he's also a sexist and trying to blame her clothes on the mother, as if he's not also her parent and thus, equally or even more responsible.
”Cheap b*tches” 💀 the father seems like a mess himself. Also whats up with somali parents speaking english to their kids
A Somali Aabo that knows the word short shorts and saying "cheap btches" ?? My Aabo only types in Somali first time I'm seeing such good but vulgar english being typed.
That's a Ukrainian phone company at the top. How do we know they're even Somali?
You are right. Who even uses lifecell never even heard of it. Also this is just a pic it can be any muslim person not a Somali specifically.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
This daughter seems like she’s Arab once they come to the west they act so Americanized and forget there culture and religion

I remember back in highschool madow guys would walk around with some arbs girls who would take off there hijab the minute they stepped foot in school

