Somali doctor married to a Venezuelan engineer pleads with other governments for help over passport issues


Highly Respected
Fortunately I don't fix the problems of Self Haters.

It is also not a Somali issue. Maxaa igagalay.

She's not a self-hater, she actually supports and defends Somalis all the time on Arabic language twitter. She can marry who she wants and still be proud of her Somali background. Don't be an incel.
She's not a self-hater, she actually supports and defends Somalis all the time on Arabic language twitter. She can marry who she wants and still be proud of her Somali background. Don't be an incel.
Calling me an "Incel" over the internet really shows who is the incel in this situation.

Defending Somalis when there is no need is not my problem nor is it something I care to know. I could not care less what a pathetic Arab has to say.

I disagree with your last comment about being proud. If you want to marry out, that's not my problem. Just don't call yourself a proud Somali.
Calling me an "Incel" over the internet really shows who is the incel in this situation.

Defending Somalis when there is no need is not my problem nor is it something I care to know. I could not care less what a pathetic Arab has to say.

I disagree with your last comment about being proud. If you want to marry out, that's not my problem. Just don't call yourself a proud Somali.

I can see why he would call you an incel because 9/10 times, men that have issues with interracial marriages funnily enough have no issues when other men marry out. Nor do they feel the need to comment. I reckon, you're reaction would be very different if it was a man.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
She had to mention he's an engineer because she knew we would assume he's an ex-inmate :pachah1:
I can see why he would call you an incel because 9/10 times, men that have issues with interracial marriages funnily enough have no issues when other men marry out. Nor do they feel the need to comment. I reckon, you're reaction would be very different if it was a man.
Nope, my reaction would be the same if it was a Somali man so don't assume.

The thing is the Men in our culture mostly hold it down and marry within and you mostly see Somali women doing these things and being begs online for reasons I don't care to know. It has a lot to do with self hate sadly.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nope, my reaction would be the same if it was a Somali man so don't assume.

The thing is the Men in our culture mostly hold it down and marry within and you mostly see Somali women doing these things and being begs online for reasons I don't care to know. It has a lot to do with self hate sadly.

Those who marry out represent the gamut and aren't all self-hating.

You can tell the ones with the issues apart from the mild mannered ones.

1. They don't shut up about Somali men or women. (Showing there is something pathological afoot).
2. Fetishist.
3. Rebelling.
Those who marry out represent the gamut and aren't all self-hating.

You can tell the ones with the issues apart from the mild mannered ones.

1. They don't shut up about Somali men or women. (Showing there is something pathological afoot).
2. Fetishist.
3. Rebelling.

I actually agree.

For my observance; 2 & 3 applies to mostly Somali Women and 2. applies to Some Somali men but it is very rare.
So if the husband is muslim and I was leading somalia I would definitely help her if her aim was to return to Somalia. You shouldnt watch your people struggling abroad.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I got curious to see why its hard to get a Venezuela passport so I checked online turns out that the country is corrupt and it take months even years to get a passport unless you willing to pay a government worker 2000 up to 6000$ and you still wont have any guarantees


Somalis need to learn how to mind their own business wallahi idc who in interracial marriage whether u a man or woman if u need help n i have the funds i will support u no matter what idgaf about who u giving ur d*** or p**** to

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
When one shithole country marries another shithole, you ain’t going nowhere ma’am! Besides, Venezuela is having a power outage and can’t look up your tweet. Somalia’s passport is as useless as your tampon
A lot of Venezuelans look Somali, especially the ones in Florida, their women have the same hair as Somali women. Some of them could easily pass off as reer Bari

