Bro are you still mad at that comment i made about your mom.
No not at all, I feel like trolling you forever since its fun saxib!
Bro are you still mad at that comment i made about your mom.
Loool then this trend of somalis degrading themselves like this must leave a big bitter taste in your mouth
I can't concern myself too much with what other people do. It's their business. Our ancestors would be turning in their graves if they saw the extent of this "lowered morale" in some of them. I think it's best to let these types go as they would be more of a danger to Somalis than you think, especially since they could pollute the minds of their offspring with self-hate (especially if their minds are fixed).
Its like their bad genes cancel eachother out or smth. Also mixed children perform better academically and are less susceptible to diseases or other abnormalities. More proof race mixing is the future wllhiSo true.
I dated this mixed race chick (Filipino+White) in high school and she was a 9/10.
Then I saw her parents and I was totally shocked. Her parents were really ugly.
Its like their bad genes cancel eachother out or smth. Also mixed children perform better academically and are less susceptible to diseases or other abnormalities. More proof race mixing is the future wllhi
Mixed-race children at greater risk of mental health issues
Mixed-race children experience greater risks to their mental health with secondary school being a particularly vulnerable time, a new report has revealed.
@Khattab AlMajerteeni
Mixed-race children at greater risk of mental health issues
Mixed-race children experience greater risks to their mental health with secondary school being a particularly vulnerable time, a new report has revealed.
@Khattab AlMajerteeni
Idc you could bring the 2 ugliest people from each race and their kids will still turn out good looking. Its weird
That is not biological but environmental (because of bullying and racism).
That is not biological but environmental (because of bullying and racism).
The racial genetic differences are rather small , some studies even contest this theory. Largely this has nothing to do with bullying more to do with social psychological aspect of mixed race people.
They have severe mental issues most do worse at school.
Actually mix-racing combines the best of two races, so that is why mullatoes like me are so successful then offsprings of two cousins like you!
Walahi beautifull!! Lover my people man , we a look like a master piece!!
Soomaalida Hanoolaato
yaa hola at me thenAt the end of the day, some women can easily be bought. Good looking women (of any race) that go for unattractive men normally do so for material gain, particularly if they are outside their racial/ethnic group. Trust me, if these women could find a comparable man from their own background they wouldn't have settled for you. At least the "non-self-hating" are like this. I have always represented #TeamSomali and still do. However, I would not be swayed by an unattractive farax even if he was a business tycoon. Call me superficial if you want. My father is a good looking man and highly educated (Masha'Allah) and I would never lower myself to anything less than that in a suitor.
Actually mix-racing combines the best of two races, so that is why mullatoes like me are so successful then offsprings of two cousins like you!
Eww a mudblood, jk thats pretty cool. What are you mixed with?