Somali Emma Watson

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@Dire Dewa's son I found @Knowthyself


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
@AirJawdan you are not wrong. :damedamn: I see an uncanny resemblance b/w her and Emma Watson. I thought the thread was just gonna be a joke. Nigga actually found a Xaliimo Emma Watson.



Lol@the Somali Emma Watson. I saw it yesterday, some people are rude though dissing the
Arab girl calling her a man in the comment section :lol: .
there proud of their ethnicity and want to share it. you should post one
its too saturated, I'll take them seriously when they get original. Every time I type 'Somali' in the search bar its always the same "are Somalians black?!!???" and Ethnicity tag nonsense

They could atleast discuss their culture but usually these types can't phrase a somali sentence together if it meant a bowl of oodkac
its too saturated, I'll take them seriously when they get original. Every time I type 'Somali' in the search bar its always the same "are Somalians black?!!???" and Ethnicity tag nonsense

They could atleast discuss their culture but usually these types can't phrase a somali sentence together if it meant a bowl of oodkac
at least their drowning out the "are somalis arab" and "somali hair" and "somalis were anticeint egyptions" and "somalis were north african moroccans" "somalis were the original berbers" videos. wlaahi that shit made me cancel somalis for 2 solid years.
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