Somali Females Appreciation Thread.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

this one doe

Say Wallahi thats Zayd? :jcoleno:

Sorry you look qurux. :jcoleno:

We need to calm down on these countless appreciation threads. They do nothing but mask insecurities for a little while.

I'm all for Somali women and Insha'Allah I will marry one, but you have to love yourself before excepting others too. And when you really do actually love yourself, others opinions become irrelevant and you don't seek them nor need them.

And we should celebrate mind and spirit over beauty.

Gassing up obnoxious, stupid and loud people only enable and encourage them. Not trying to point fingers or sound preachy though.
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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
At least I am very content with my bad looks. What makes you think somali women are above other women? Seriously.
We are beautiful, have beautiful hair, can cook, know how to dress, are loving, are motherly. We are the definition of black beauty masha'Allah Tabaraka'Allah.
We are beautiful, have beautiful hair, can cook, know how to dress, are loving, are motherly. We are the definition of black beauty masha'Allah Tabaraka'Allah.
And other women don't know how to cook, don't have beautiful hair, aren't mothers? :camby:

You just described women in general. Come up with something that makes you lot stand out or naga aamus. :mjlol:
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