Somali flag and Farmajo picture burned in Laascaanood


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
There's nothing wrong with burning Farmajo's picture as an act of protest. But the burning of the Somali flag shows how far gone these people are. And people actually ask why Puntland doesn't save them. No wonder Farmajo didn't bring these snakes with him to the Somaliland talks. They're calibeesteens with loyalty to nothing.
And this people would say we are wadani lol the worst of all nacala ku taal


𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
1. You must be high off crack if you think we are second class citizens in our region

2. SL pay a shitload to the dhulbahante militia and politicians that run our regions, some people may also side with them (not the majority) because they’ve seen a lot more development in LA with SL than when they were with their “brothers” in PL

3. Burning the flag is nothing to do with supporting isaaq, they did that in anger regarding SSC representation in the talks between Somalia - SL. No one is a bigger patriot of Somalia than dhulbahante FOH with that shit

4. Stay mad naaya
A patriot would never burn their flag.

Just admit it, the few loose change that the i.doors throw your way have turned your folks pro-jeegan/somaliland. Sad


𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
Did you see your cousins copying SL with this whole Puntland Independence Movement, you wanna be isaaq so bad
:draketf:How are we copying them? Are the i.doors the first people to have ever wanted to be independent?

You take the cake for the biggest nacas on this forum


Its properly in their interests to be with Somaliland because they share their land with Isaaq people and berbera port is closer to them than bosaso. They're obviously not being forced and they chose to work with Somalilanders to make a better life for their people. Why do puntlanders only see it from a tribe perspective :noneck:


Its properly in their interests to be with Somaliland because they share their land with Isaaq people and berbera port is closer to them than bosaso. They're obviously not being forced and they chose to work with Somalilanders to make a better life for their people. Why do puntlanders only see it from a tribe perspective :noneck:
Same punytites are crying that SL is a tribal secessionist movement.. SL is inclusive and it's borders are colonial rather than Puntland claiming Sool and Sanaag on tribal grounds.


You will see how fast SL develops and Lascanood as a regional capital will also develop. Take into consideration that DP World are forced to inject more resources to the Berbera Port to secure their trade position in the region because of Djibouti taking over their very expensive terminal.

Don't sleep on Lascanood :salute:


I do something called "what I want"
So if Xamars the capital you are being “controlled” but if its Hargeisa then they are “managing themselves”. To repeat your first question, aren’t we all Somalis? :icon e smile:

SL will never get Ictiraaf the Somali people have refused for any section of the country to split off.
We are managing ourselves because SL is as weak as a government as Somalia. Same tree, different apple. They have very little influence all the way in SSC.


I do something called "what I want"
If I was dhulbahante I wouldn't even walk with my head straight..wa lugu maamula :mjlol:
I’m glad you’re not dhulbahante, even without being dhulbahante you probably walk with a hump in your back looking down.

Because we get mad at farmaajo we’re now bootyclapping for îdoor?! You’re braindead.

Dhulbahante almost exclusively live in their dhulbahante regions in SL. So how in the name of heck could we be second class citizens in our own self controlled regions?

Keep crying man, we don’t want you. You’re just jealous dhulbahante cities have been constantly climbing the ranks and have had the nose development, and everyone knows that. So you can talk about us all you want, but if we’re rebuilding this fast, then we must be doing something right.


I’m glad you’re not dhulbahante, even without being dhulbahante you probably walk with a hump in your back looking down.

Because we get mad at farmaajo we’re now bootyclapping for îdoor?! You’re braindead.

Dhulbahante almost exclusively live in their dhulbahante regions in SL. So how in the name of heck could we be second class citizens in our own self controlled regions?

Keep crying man, we don’t want you. You’re just jealous dhulbahante cities have been constantly climbing the ranks and have had the nose development, and everyone knows that. So you can talk about us all you want, but if we’re rebuilding this fast, then we must be doing something right.

What subclan are you bro ? Ahmed Garad ?

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Whether they want to be under SL or burn the somali flags, its thier land and buisness at the end of the day. The Plers should be pissed at the PL gov for still allowing them to hold these much seats while real tax paying puntites who die/defend the state are underrepresented. We should focus on our leaders, not them.

:manny: I dont blame them as long as we keep believing this harti state BS. Send them packing back home already.
I’m glad you’re not dhulbahante, even without being dhulbahante you probably walk with a hump in your back looking down.

Because we get mad at farmaajo we’re now bootyclapping for îdoor?! You’re braindead.

Dhulbahante almost exclusively live in their dhulbahante regions in SL. So how in the name of heck could we be second class citizens in our own self controlled regions?

Keep crying man, we don’t want you. You’re just jealous dhulbahante cities have been constantly climbing the ranks and have had the nose development, and everyone knows that. So you can talk about us all you want, but if we’re rebuilding this fast, then we must be doing something right.

You even admit yourself waa lagu maamula.. You proudly live in Somaliland, a region/state created by another tribe, and here you are bragging about coming under them and burning the Somali flag for few handouts.. Seriously what's there to be jealous of :mjkkk: :mjlol:
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Bantu Liberation Movement
I’m glad you’re not dhulbahante, even without being dhulbahante you probably walk with a hump in your back looking down.

Because we get mad at farmaajo we’re now bootyclapping for îdoor?! You’re braindead.

Dhulbahante almost exclusively live in their dhulbahante regions in SL. So how in the name of heck could we be second class citizens in our own self controlled regions?

Keep crying man, we don’t want you. You’re just jealous dhulbahante cities have been constantly climbing the ranks and have had the nose development, and everyone knows that. So you can talk about us all you want, but if we’re rebuilding this fast, then we must be doing something right.
Sool is the poorest region in the north and has little to no significant development since the era of Siad Barre. Laascaanood was the capital of Nugaal but Garowe has overtaken it. This mentality of "yOu aRe cRiTiCiZiNg uS So wE MuSt bE DoInG SoMeThInG RiGhT" is counterproductive.


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