Somali gang ring shut down in Birmingham.

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

Did you know him well? How do people get caught up in this criminal underworld?

We lived in the same neighbourhood back in the early 2000s and Im close friend with one of his cousins.

These kind of stuffs was not common in my city we were pretty calm community but recently we had about 15 Somalis lock up for drug activities.

It's the easy money that attracts them to this lifestyle.


That 9-5 job won't pay for your dreams, you have to take risks in
life or wither away and die paying the rent

Lol yes it can!:confused: How do you think most people earn a decent living? You should read Freakonomics. Ignore the girl names chapter and other anti black stuff they just slung in there but they explain how most drug dealers will never get rich.
Drug dealing isn't fast money. They work long hours, chase deadbeats and on average will see $200 a day.... going through burner phones like bed sheets and constantly being paranoid and looking over your shoulder.

Not to mention most drug dealers die or are imprisoned for years while on the job.
Drug dealing isn't fast money. They work long hours, chase deadbeats and on average will see $200 a day.... going through burner phones like bed sheets and constantly being paranoid and looking over your shoulder.

Not to mention most drug dealers die or are imprisoned for years while on the job.
You're talking about street level drug dealer, the smart ones sit in their house and don't get their hands dirty.
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