Somali Gangs in Minneapolis

I will not lie Im not surprised if a somali is not dysfunctional. Many somalis have anger issues I know few. Bad neighbourhood + no good household is a recipe for disaster.

After 18 though its their fault.
What’s your problem
I came to minni yesterday. I was in Cedar today, didn't see nothing out of the norm except few bums pan-handling. They must be laying low. I was expecting more like west gangs , posted on the block.

Southwest is Cadaan suburbs and shit. Somalis are centered in the neighborhoods around downtown/the central district, bordering the Mississippi. North is African American mostly


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don’t get this broken family thing, this might be heartless from me but I don’t get it.

if you see the mistakes your family and your siblings are making, Wouldn’t it automatically be obvious that you would learn from their mistakes and do the complete opposite to live well?
Yes, but did you forget they have 68 IQ?