Somali girl acting ratchet at her graduation speech

I hate this shit fr, like why is it mainly Somali girls who do this shit and this is coming from another Somali girl. This is my BIGGEST pet peeve!

A lot of it comes from Somalis always copying whatever is in or trending (herd mentality) + our attention whorring tendencies…

But I HATE when these girls do shit like this, you barely ever see habesha, eritrean, hell even Ugandan girls acting like this.. It just feels like they are cosplaying or playing a part to look cool and fit in but it’s almost never genuine.

UGHHH I LOVE SOMALI GIRLS BUT CAN WE PLEASR STOP THIS SHIT!! This isn’t pretty girl behavior! 🤦🏾‍♀️
“If you want this fade, come and get it on my soul 🤪” She didn’t have to say all that 😔

