Somali girl & BLM force Director to STEP DOWN after he EXCUSED himself while Black prof was speaking

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The director of Ryerson University’s School of Social Work has stepped down amid a hue and cry that he committed “a violent act of anti-Blackness, misogyny and misogynoir (a newish term for misogyny directed at black women)” by walking out of an anti-racism meeting last month

Dr. Henry Parada will remain at the school as a teacher and researcher, says a recent email to students from Dr. Lisa Barnoff, dean of the faculty of community services that includes social work.

The short email is dated Nov. 16.


According to the Black Liberation Collective Ryerson branch, Parada walked out of the meeting “at a time when Black folks were giving praise to a young Black woman professor at a critical and vulnerable time …”

According to several screeds on the BLC Facebook page, his actions “perpetrate anti-Black racism … indicated … you do not value anti-Black racism scholarship, Black women, Black educators or education, Black experience, Black life and ultimately Black students…. You chose to violently disrupt the speaker and the space.”

Despite repeated messages left Monday by Postmedia for senior social work administrators and Parada himself, no further details about his alleged walking out — let alone how merely leaving a meeting can be deemed a violent act — could be confirmed.

(Parada’s office is in the same building where the meeting was held. Perhaps he had an appointment? Heard an office phone ring? Had to go to the loo?)

The first of the BLC screeds was almost incoherent. It took the form of an open letter to various senior university and social work administrators, was dated Oct. 31 and posted on Facebook the next day.

Unsigned, as befits a collective, the letter accused Parada of being unable “to contain your anti-Black rage” and of “a public display of toxic masculinity” and demanded he “immediately step down” as social work director, publicly apologize “and publicly release how you will genuinely address anti-Black racism.”

The letter was signed “In rage, solidarity and kindness” by unnamed “concerned students,” the social work student union, the Ryerson Feminist Collective and United Black Students at Ryerson.

It was certainly filled with fury, though the purported kindness was virtually impossible to detect.

A second tirade was posted Nov. 7, apparently sparked by a two-line response to the first from the social work school.

“We hear your concerns about Anti-Black Racism in the school and want to assure you we take them seriously,” the school’s letter said. “We ask for your patience as we continue to work to respond to the people, communities and constituencies involved.”

Again, BLC raged on Facebook: “This disingenuous response to our open letter is just another display of the anti-Black racism perpetrated by the School of Social Work and particular individuals who benefit from maintaining this system of Whiteness.”

In a bizarre bit of circular logic, the statement acknowledged that people were curious about what had happened in the original instance and said, “We can appreciate wanting to know the specifics of this event.”

But then BLC slammed that kind of “problematic questioning” as only adding “to the anti-Black racism we are confronting.”

So, you see, even asking questions about the precipitating event is anti-Black.

In Monday’s Facebook harangue, BLC began referring to Parada as “former director” but was clearly unsatisfied.

“We indict the School of Social Work of perpetrating anti-Black racism through placing our Black educators in the most precarious forms of employment, through particular educators allowing Black students experience anti-Black racism in the classroom,” it said, and issued more demands.

Among them are a meeting in January with various deans and “other higher administration,” a commitment to “challenging anti-Black racism and anti-Native racism” in the manner approved by BLC, and “an official apology from Henry Parada that names what he did and why he stepped down.”

Later postings Monday showed a group of students at a BLC protest on campus. “We showed up today,” the group’s Facebook page said. “And we’ll show up every time needed until change happens.”

Its very possible more than 1 Somali girl (beyond the one in the picture) was involved in having him step down.

We can see three Somali girls and one Somali guy in the back from the BLM chapter of this school in this video



BLM in Canada:icon lol:
A few months ago I didn't know there were even Black ppl in Canada (sorta embarrassing to say that now but true)


You didn't know Somalis lived here? You don't have have Somali relatives here?
I pictured barren ice rinks and empty feilds, lone polar bears floating about on blocks of ice from GW, toothless lumberjack shirt-wearing former hockey players with severe back pain, Inuits in igloos, obstinate French speakers in one corner, a vague, cold metropolitan skyscape of Toronto, beer, free healthcare, mispronounced words.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
BLM in Canada:icon lol:
A few months ago I didn't know there were even Black ppl in Canada (sorta embarrassing to say that now but true)
I pictured barren ice rinks and empty feilds, lone polar bears floating about on blocks of ice from GW, toothless lumberjack shirt-wearing former hockey players with severe back pain, Inuits in igloos, obstinate French speakers in one corner, a vague, cold metropolitan skyscape of Toronto, beer, free healthcare, mispronounced words.
Lol, are you even Somali? "I didn't know they had Somalis in Canada" kulaha.:mjlol:

I think we're gonna have to start asking for proof of membership. We may have an imposter amoung us. :ufdup:


Lol, are you even Somali? "I didn't know they had Somalis in Canada" kulaha.:mjlol:

I think we're gonna have to start asking for proof of membership. We may have an imposter amoung us. :ufdup:
What's special about Somalis being in Canada specifically?

Canada is only relevant here in terms of cracks (friendly) on TV.



Gaalkacyo Gangster
What's special about Somalis being in Canada specifically?

Canada is only relevant here in terms of cracks (friendly) on TV.

Nothing special about it, just that basically every Somali knows that there's a significant diaspora community in Canada.


Nothing special about it, just that basically every Somali knows that there's a significant diaspora community in Canada.
Who cares though? I know about our huge population in MN and Virginia, but that's here. You think we sit around discussing Canada?
For anyone who hasn't worked this out ,vidxr is the alter ego of Mr abdi Johnson .i feel sorry for tall trying to pm that .
AJ is fine by me.



I'm not agnostic, I'm atheist. The only characterization worth correction. Whatever else u attribute to me :manny:


Same. I'm about as boring a dude as you can be tbh
Boring in that sense is good. Refreshing even :nvjpqts:
I thought you were a muff diver.

I only learnt that word 2 days ago, forgive me.
I said that I’mma ride for em muffs
Most likely I’mma die with my finger on em muffs
Homie, I’ve been divin' all day into these muffs
And I ain’t goin' in unless I’m with going in wit my muffs

I've been grinding all day to get to these muffs.

Just know I fucked with you the long way.

My muffs. My muffs

My muffs. My muffs.


My muffs. My muffs.

My muffs. My muffs.




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