Somali girl calaacaling about Trump and is scared shitless

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Your superior
deport this attention seeking hoe. If she doesn't like America she should return to her shithole
It's called "seeking attention". I bet this same girl recorded herself crying about FGM. I bet this same girl recorded herself crying about Israeli-Palestinian issues that has nothing to do with her. This is nothing but an attempt to get a 15-minute of fame and what better way than to harness the anger of so many Hillary Clinton fans and use it to your advantage by shedding crocodile tears of "fear" that does not really exist. lol

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
She's leaking and the elections results happened right at her monthly leakage

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh :damn:


How else can this be logically explained ? Naag iska ooneysa, for no apparent reason. America is a land of law and order. If you're afraid a racist then go exercise your 2nd amendment. I don't get it. Are we gonna play victims like the African-American xayawaniins? Naftu Hal goor bey baxdaa, dignity over all else.


Your superior
How else can this be logically explained ? Naag iska ooneysa, for no apparent reason. America is a land of law and order. If you're afraid a racist then go exercise your 2nd amendment. I don't get it. Are we gonna play victims like the African-American xayawaniins? Naftu Hal goor bey baxdaa, dignity over all else.

Her boyfriend is Afro American
Crying like a lil :camby:"as an african American what if one of my family members get shot" :mjlol: sorry but calling yourself an african american when you're not one is you selling yourself out to jump on a oppression bandwagon you were never on to begin with, only to shout at the country that let your family in when they were in their most dire state
"Oh officer I know I'm a pls don't shoot me" :mjlol:
Her boyfriend is Afro American
of course she is. Why on earth you'd sell yourself out to somebody else's cause when your own country and people need the attention is stupid. African unity and black unity I are bs catch phrases that don't mean shit when there's no Somali unity to begin with. Charity starts at home
Where were her tears when 50 Orlando club goers were slaughtered or when a Pakistani couple shot dead 15 innocent office workers and disabled people in San Bernardino? Bax nayaa
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