Somali Girl Karbash the shit out of white convert...Yall remember him!

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
From the little ive seen from his youtube channel he seems like a decent guy besides it's not like hes bragging about being with a Somali girl like other Ajnabiis:ehh:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
If she didn't have that SJW angle I'm sure many of yall would enjoy the karbaash :lol:. I didn't even see it till yall mentioned it

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Fa real. Her fixation on what his wife should do with him gave it away. Awww...po lil tink tink

Females always see things in a different angle which I appreciate. It's intriguing in a scary way that something I thought of as a simple joke could really be so deep:faysalwtf: .That extra X chromosome waa balaayo:faysalwtf::faysalwtf:
Females always see things in a different angle which I appreciate. It's intriguing in a scary way that something I thought of as a simple joke could really be so deep:faysalwtf: .That extra X chromosome waa balaayo:faysalwtf::faysalwtf:

Lol that's what we're here for....stick with us kid, you might learn something


>,,< certified creep >,,<
#SocialJusticeWarrior #BlackLivesMatter #BlackBloodCells #MelaninMillennium #StandUpForJustice #DitchDiana #BlackIsBeautiful


Suldaanka Gobyare
Wallahi shes hella overweight. She be eating White niggas for breakfast, literally lmfao


Suldaanka Gobyare
Horta where is the evidence provided by her that this Cadaan nigga is mocking us and insulting us. Why doesnt she go in like that on the dhagax rats married to Halimos and insulting Somalis. Someone pass this girl some xalwo so she calms down.
Horta where is the evidence provided by her that this Cadaan nigga is mocking us and insulting us. Why doesnt she go in like that on the dhagax rats married to Halimos and insulting Somalis. Someone pass this girl some xalwo so she calms down.

I've seen the videos and this dhoocil took things totally out of context. He was talking about the first time he ever saw Somalis, how he immediately fell in love with our language. He thought that we were regal, almost like avatars, and he was just fascinated by our culture. He eventually embraced Islam and married a Somali woman.

He seems like a decent guy overall. It's true what people said, if this guy had been black these sjw types would've been all over him.
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