Somali girl posts the flag & the face trend and gets attacked by somali incels for being a christian, ajnabis call us miserable & the most hateful.

There's athiests and there are Christians. You cultists need to accept that.
She isn’t one of us, you people need to accept that Gaal like her, especially a Christian, will never be accepted. Stop trying to force this nonsense, it will never work. Ask most Somalis they’ll say the same thing, you losers are the fringe minority, your opinion doesn’t matter.

I assume you defend her because you’re a Gaal just like her? Anyway, the point is that your opinion doesn’t matter as you are a small minority and that Gaalos will never be accepted.
People on this forum need to accept that religious outliers will always exist in not just our own Somali community but quite literally in every cultural group that is overwhelmingly of a single religion.

It's statistically impossible for every single last Somali to be Muslim so it's silly to lash out about the inevitable occurring. Just make dua that your Somali family/friends aren't affected by the increased irreligiosity of our time and move on.
Someone can be expelled from their qabil, it happens and only diasporas think you cant
Disowned is the word to use for an individual and they cant remove your lineage just disassociate, entire clans can be expelled or excommunicated but their qabiil doesnt get removed, they simply become stand alone clans for a time but their lineage is acknowledged.
Secondly never seen an individual get expelled from an qabiil, do you have examples? the whole idea is hilarious.
Disowned is the word to use for an individual, entire clans can be expelled or excommunicated but their qabiil doesnt get removed, they simply become stand alone clans for a time but their lineage is acknowledged.
Secondly never seen an individual get expelled from an qabiil, do you have examples? the whole idea is hilarious.
Happens a lot of times, used to happen to people who didn’t pay qaraan
I call bullshit on that, i think your confusing people being disassociated from the clan with getting your lineage completely stripped off you.
If you don’t believe it to be true then waan ka shakiye. What do you think happened to people who fled from battle in the past or whatever?
If you don’t believe it to be true then waan ka shakiye. What do you think happened to people who fled from battle in the past or whatever?
expulsion yes, but no one can strip your lineage from you. You can go wherever in foreign lands claiming your qabiil descent.
So to you qabiil isnt even real thing considering someone can strip hundreds of years of lineage from you as if it never existed in the first place, its like a party membership not an organic thing?