Somali girl says she wants a liberal somali man


I rarely post nowadays
im paraphrasing but she said, "i want a somali liberal man....." "i know theyre unicorns and all, but..." "they're are in europe...."
Wait, that sounds so vanilla :yloezpe: , why would she need to delete for that
Here are your options:
The possible suspects could be...... the entire member's list :yloezpe:
aint nobody got time for that GIF


Plotting world domination
@bohom @Khad2023

I remember back in the 2020 I hopped on clubhouse with a bunch of somalis that were having a bunch of debates

The topic of providing came up and I told them that I preferred being in a 50/50 relationship and that providing was a bad idea for most single men. I also said I wanted a financially independent women because I thought it was a bad idea for a women to financially depend on a man.

The room was silent for like a few seconds and then out of nowhere all the xalimos started roasting me. Called me a broke ass nigga for like 5 minutes straight.

Than we started talking about the LGBT community and I ended up being the only nigga in the room that said I got no beef with them. All the xalimos in the room attacked me again :dead:


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
I Saw the video when it was posted. She was on a podcast talking about how she wants a secular and irreligous somali. (She thinks theres none in the US but hundreds in the UK and europe).
Liberal somalis adopt cadaan people culture and expect every person with a atom of somali in them to follow suit. Retard
I Saw the video when it was posted. She was on a podcast talking about how she wants a secular and irreligous somali. (She thinks theres none in the US but hundreds in the UK and europe).
Liberal somalis adopt cadaan people culture and expect every person with a atom of somali in them to follow suit. Retard
w memory saaxib.
i find it odd how people are suprised that somali girls befriend gays so easily as if they are not the most tolerant group to homo niggas.
most somali girls have had gay bffs like its a norm in our culture in the west. i wouldnt be suprised if somali girls will be stereotyped for that in a few decades


basically she has a podcast, with a gay black co host(? ) (heres another post from the same acc).

im assuming she has a kaffir mother bc she supports this and her takes(?) i wont be suprised if shes from new york, (i know a few kaffir somali relatives there.)

after reading the comments of her other posts i discovered that these visual clips are exclusively posted on tiktok and ig and that she doesnt post full yt video podcasts, bc its available on patreon only.

her treelink

i will be monitoring this individual closely until further developments
Why? πŸ’€ Leave her alone


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
@bohom @Khad2023

I remember back in the 2020 I hopped on clubhouse with a bunch of somalis that were having a bunch of debates

The topic of providing came up and I told them that I preferred being in a 50/50 relationship and that providing was a bad idea for most single men. I also said I wanted a financially independent women because I thought it was a bad idea for a women to financially depend on a man.

The room was silent for like a few seconds and then out of nowhere all the xalimos started roasting me. Called me a broke ass nigga for like 5 minutes straight.

Than we started talking about the LGBT community and I ended up being the only nigga in the room that said I got no beef with them. All the xalimos in the room attacked me again :dead:

Subtle Urban What?

halimo even went for the khanis folks :russ:
Question for the xalimos

@Sophisticate @Hodan from HR @Lais @rayxn3 @pinkyandthebrain

How exactly is a poc man suppose to attract poc leftist women??? Especially leftist chicks from their own ethnic groups???

Most poc leftist women I've run into date white niggas. Most leftist poc dudes I've met usually just end up with white women.

It's mainly conservative or moderate dudes that usually always end up with women from their own ethnic groups.

It seems like being an openly leftist/liberal nigga isn't worth it dating wise because being too left leaning pushes a lot of chicks away.

I don't even disclose my politic views irl until people ask me so It hasn't really hindered my dating prospects.

Like all the madow, Asian, and Hispanic leftist dudes I know mainly dating white women. Most of the poc leftist women I've seen just seem to date white men as well.
NOT a halimo, but there is value in differing political opinions, and there are lefty girls that aren't twitter lefties (imo the left equivalent of fox news viewers).

Ur spot on with the twitter lefty types dating white dudes, it kinda dilutes the legitimacy of their gripes as annoying as it sounds

Now that I typed this shit out I'm realizing what your question is actually asking, but I'm allergic to backspacing.
She's going to die manless because Somali dudes are ultra conservative!
There are a lot more liberal halimo than faarahs, they do exist, but it's rare.