somali girl sued wimbledon mosque for being racist against somalis and unfairly dismissed

Create u own masjid stop beggin

These are houses of Allah we are talking about l not a cafeteria. Relax with condescending tone.

Somalis have a few mosques in my area as do Pakistanis. I don’t mind going to either. There are some very inclusive, well organised and friendly Pakistani mosques around London. I feel as comfortable as I do with Somalis.

Some people just want to create a narrative against the Asian brothers and sisters. I am not going to jump on the bandwagon when 99 of my experience has been good with them.
I think it's a northern Somali slang for Indians, even my cousins in Germany use it, it's not a recent thing but originates back home.

I grew up around a lot of northerners, as well as other Somalis from other regions and i didn't hear them use it either.

But yeah it is whatever, i am not trying to police peoples language thats not why i brought it up.
Cadaans will always be the biggest issue

they make up 80% of the population not to mention British are drunk and violent people
>migrate to white country
>speak their language, wear their clothing, adopt their customs
>will most likely die there
>"They're the problem, not us!!!"
How many cans of copium do you have to be on to genuinely believe this?
>migrate to white country
>speak their language, wear their clothing, adopt their customs
>will most likely die there
>"They're the problem, not us!!!"
How many cans of copium do you have to be on to genuinely believe this?
These are the types of guys who have not travelled, so their intellect doesn't go beyond the village periphery.

If he spent 6 months in any African country, especially Somalia, he would come back reformed and atone for being such an ingrate.

