Somali guy gets job application rejected because Somalis "resist authority"

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How will someone know that you are Somali on applications? Simply by indicating you speak Somali in resume. Don't write Somali as languages spoken. Use "Canadian name" Chinese and Korean change their ethnic names to Canadian ( easy pronunciated names/ pure Somali names in our case). Keep it simple guys. If someone asks about your ethnicity in interviews answered "what has got to do with work? Or lie Djibouti
I shall now be known as Paul Warsame. :damn:
Nope but r

Nope roble, samatar, sharmarke, Jama, hersi, liban ,,,,,
The mans name was Jama lol. Still didn't help him get the job. If were going to change our names we should go all the way like the asians do. (Bob Chang, Cindy Wong etc.)
Matheson said Hagi-Yusuf's background did not play into his decision.

"I didn't think the person was Somalian. The email was about how the person misunderstood the culture of the financial services world," Matheson said.

Matheson said he mentioned Somali culture because he had recently read an article in a newspaper and it was top of mind.

"The culture of lawlessness would make such people difficult to, find difficulty integrating into a country that's founded for peace, order and good government was a subject of an editorial I read.

"It was just something in the top of my mind, had nothing, I did not think him to be Somali," Matheson said. "He told me he was educated here and I knew that."


future pirate king
Reminds me of the Irish person rejected for a job in south Korea because Irish have a drinking problem apparently
I want to meet this woman. She seems very well knowledgeable of the Somali people. It takes a smart person to say Somalis are resistant to authority
Time to stop this bullshit in back home Somalia, 20 years of lawless and even when we got government we started killing and bombing our hotels. Hope that you woke, backhome 'problems (Somalia) are affecting us even in diaspora.
A few years of war and shame doesn't erase Somalia's thousands of years of prosperity, civilisation and dominance in the world market (the stuff that actually shaped our culture).
A few years of war and shame doesn't erase Somalia's thousands of years of prosperity, civilisation and dominance in the world market (the stuff that actually shaped our culture).
Humans have short memories and trend to focus on negative more than positive. No body now remember the beautiful history of India, Maya people and China. They are stereotyped in media and same will happen to us. The situation in Somalia will affect us in diaspora and even our kids will bear the stereotype


:ulachen001: At least they could have been more subtle about it. This was too blunt.

Yeah for now nigga. In a country with a sizable Somali population, any company could benefit from having someone on the team that speaks the language. There's obviously a hierarchy of bilingualism in terms of employment benefit, but at the end of the day speaking two languages fluently > only speaking one.

Heh, I never mention that I speak Somali on my CVs. Just the European languages I know.
There's no point in mentioning Somali, unless you are applying for NGO jobs in the Horn of Africa.
:ulachen001: At least they could have been more subtle about it. This was too blunt.

Heh, I never mention that I speak Somali on my CVs. Just the European languages I know.
There's no point in mentioning Somali, unless you are applying for NGO jobs in the Horn of Africa.
It would be useful in a place with a high Somali population like Toronto.
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