Somali men are begs to arabs low self esteem and veneration of muh ummah has led to this.View attachment 352572
View attachment 352573
The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
Somali men are begs to arabs low self esteem and veneration of muh ummah has led to this.View attachment 352572
View attachment 352573
The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
You must be Darood or Isaaq.
@Step a side
Hawiye and Dir need to create a new ethnicity for ourselves and exclude Darood and Isaaq. They destroyed our name.
Sad wallahi sad. I am a third generation Saudi citizen, culturally Saudi and love my country Saudi Arabia because I actually lived good (better even than most of my qaxooti relatives in the west) thanks to Saudi Arabia. But I would never ever give up my Somali identity because guess what? This is the easiest way to lose respect in Saudi and Khaliji society in general. I was actually about to post on how insecure I feel about me not knowing Somali and stumbled on this post. I know how slaves ended up here I know who owned them and I know where they mostly came from. They were naturally owned by the wealthy and most were house slaves which resulted in a small percentage of them becoming wealthy as result of their connections (many were white from Armenia and are passing as Arabs) and Believe me no matter how wealthy they are and how good they hide their origin, they would trade all of their wealth for being a Somali immigrant (living with Iqama/on sponsorship) instead of being of slave descend. Be proud of your Somali descend and don't spoil our forefathers sacrifices like this idiot.View attachment 352572
View attachment 352573
The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
"Sheikh Ahmed Bin Abdulrahman Bin Uthman, more commonly known as Sheikh Hawiye or just Hawiye (Arabic: الشيخ احمد بن عبد الرحمان بن عثمان, romanized: Ash-Shaykh Ahmad bin 'abd al rahman bin 'uthman, Somali: Sheekh Hawiye) was an Islamic scholar and the patriarch of the Somali Hawiye clan.[2] According to local tradition, Sheikh Ahmed descended from Aqil ibn Abi Talib, a member of the Banu Hashim and a cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[3]"
You were saying?
I took two things from that statement
you would trust a random kafir over one who is described by your Lord to be your brother, and desrcibed by the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as such ??I trust someone I know over a random muslim, be respectful to others beliefs, it's not the way to win over hearts and minds.
Stop posting silly larpers this is obviously written buy an OromoView attachment 352572
View attachment 352573
The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
1 year ago with 4 upvotes this is a reach wlhi
Elders is a stretch they definitely know it and are proud of him. Whether you/they(average joe) know it or not waa awoowga xaa u inkiree?Cooked up by wadaado markii hawada ku jireen kkkk. Jaad high causes this. We ripped off from you guys. Average Hawiye doesn’t know, I doubt even the prominent elders know it too. Strictly pushed by our wadaads.
I like hearing posts like these from people who live in the gulf and their experiences as a Somali. We got too many western niggas running around who need exposure to life in other parts of the world.Sad wallahi sad. I am a third generation Saudi citizen, culturally Saudi and love my country Saudi Arabia because I actually lived good (better even than most of my qaxooti relatives in the west) thanks to Saudi Arabia. But I would never ever give up my Somali identity because guess what? This is the easiest way to lose respect in Saudi and Khaliji society in general. I was actually about to post on how insecure I feel about me not knowing Somali and stumbled on this post. I know how slaves ended up here I know who owned them and I know where they mostly came from. They were naturally owned by the wealthy and most were house slaves which resulted in a small percentage of them becoming wealthy as result of their connections (many were white from Armenia and are passing as Arabs) and Believe me no matter how wealthy they are and how good they hide their origin, they would trade all of their wealth for being a Somali immigrant (living with Iqama/on sponsorship) instead of being of slave descend. Be proud of your Somali descend and don't spoil our forefathers sacrifices like this idiot.
View attachment 352572
View attachment 352573
The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
Lool hows st cloud been for u barsa? Are ppl still crashing into homesThe Arabic is generational addictive