Somali guy: "I love Arabs even if they mistreat me as an abeed"

You must be Darood or Isaaq.

@Step a side
Hawiye and Dir need to create a new ethnicity for ourselves and exclude Darood and Isaaq. They destroyed our name.

"Sheikh Ahmed Bin Abdulrahman Bin Uthman, more commonly known as Sheikh Hawiye or just Hawiye (Arabic: الشيخ احمد بن عبد الرحمان بن عثمان, romanized: Ash-Shaykh Ahmad bin 'abd al rahman bin 'uthman, Somali: Sheekh Hawiye) was an Islamic scholar and the patriarch of the Somali Hawiye clan.[2] According to local tradition, Sheikh Ahmed descended from Aqil ibn Abi Talib, a member of the Banu Hashim and a cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[3]"

You were saying?

Hot Sauce Crying GIF by First We Feast: Hot Ones
View attachment 352572

View attachment 352573

The comment was made a year ago but reflects sentiments amongst sections of Somali men.
Sad wallahi sad. I am a third generation Saudi citizen, culturally Saudi and love my country Saudi Arabia because I actually lived good (better even than most of my qaxooti relatives in the west) thanks to Saudi Arabia. But I would never ever give up my Somali identity because guess what? This is the easiest way to lose respect in Saudi and Khaliji society in general. I was actually about to post on how insecure I feel about me not knowing Somali and stumbled on this post. I know how slaves ended up here I know who owned them and I know where they mostly came from. They were naturally owned by the wealthy and most were house slaves which resulted in a small percentage of them becoming wealthy as result of their connections (many were white from Armenia and are passing as Arabs) and Believe me no matter how wealthy they are and how good they hide their origin, they would trade all of their wealth for being a Somali immigrant (living with Iqama/on sponsorship) instead of being of slave descend. Be proud of your Somali descend and don't spoil our forefathers sacrifices like this idiot.
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
"Sheikh Ahmed Bin Abdulrahman Bin Uthman, more commonly known as Sheikh Hawiye or just Hawiye (Arabic: الشيخ احمد بن عبد الرحمان بن عثمان, romanized: Ash-Shaykh Ahmad bin 'abd al rahman bin 'uthman, Somali: Sheekh Hawiye) was an Islamic scholar and the patriarch of the Somali Hawiye clan.[2] According to local tradition, Sheikh Ahmed descended from Aqil ibn Abi Talib, a member of the Banu Hashim and a cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[3]"

You were saying?

Hot Sauce Crying GIF by First We Feast: Hot Ones

Cooked up by wadaado markii hawada ku jireen kkkk. Jaad high causes this. We ripped off from you guys. Average Hawiye doesn’t know, I doubt even the prominent elders know it too. Strictly pushed by our wadaads.


I took two things from that statement

  1. Islamic kinship supercedes the Somali ethnic kinship if Islam is missing.
  2. There is no greater crime then associating partners with Allah

Clearly being gay or a pedo isnt halal, its being used to show you how heavy disbelief/apostasy is. The analogy is extreme but this site is a place where people will die on a hill defending a gaals Somalinimo.
why are you guys misrepresenting what he said.....??

"I love Arab muslims more than African spirtualists"

he basically said I love muslims from a different continent more than a kafir from the same one. What is crazy about this sentence, rather this viewpoint is obligatory upon every muslim.

"even if they view me as an abid, they are only half right as i am (words for slave) only to Allah"

from which it is clear he does not see himself as a slave to arabs or does not feel himself inferior to the arabs. He just stated the fact that we are all slaves of Allah.

if anything wallahi, you people crying over that comment are the ones with the inferiority complex, not him.
I trust someone I know over a random muslim, be respectful to others beliefs, it's not the way to win over hearts and minds.
you would trust a random kafir over one who is described by your Lord to be your brother, and desrcibed by the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as such ??

i think that a lot of people here either do not know the religion they claim to follow or have such an insane unchecked inferiority complex that they lash out at any mention of arabs.
Halfway through the 2020s and instead of having flying cars we still have this....:susp: wallahi if somalis don't wake up from this muh one ummah nonsense then we will be left behind even more this is borderline mental slavery, all the other muslim countries realized it decades ago and invested in their people and now put their own people over anyone else


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
People like that are vulnerable to scammers or hustlers who use a shared faith or ethnicity to pull the wool over their eyes. I don’t owe anyone my love or loyalty because we share those things. Respect is earned, not demanded. Be a decent human, and you’ll get respect in return, not before. And just so we’re clear, you cannot love someone incapable of love or an abuser, no matter what religion you share. That’s not love; it’s chaotic and destructive.
This guy skimmed youtube looking for this comment that worded badly. Mind you this guy has another thread where he's talking about pakis (it's right it has nothing to do with us but not for the reasons he stated.). Why are these people always like this?
Cooked up by wadaado markii hawada ku jireen kkkk. Jaad high causes this. We ripped off from you guys. Average Hawiye doesn’t know, I doubt even the prominent elders know it too. Strictly pushed by our wadaads.
Elders is a stretch they definitely know it and are proud of him. Whether you/they(average joe) know it or not waa awoowga xaa u inkiree? :lolbron:

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Sad wallahi sad. I am a third generation Saudi citizen, culturally Saudi and love my country Saudi Arabia because I actually lived good (better even than most of my qaxooti relatives in the west) thanks to Saudi Arabia. But I would never ever give up my Somali identity because guess what? This is the easiest way to lose respect in Saudi and Khaliji society in general. I was actually about to post on how insecure I feel about me not knowing Somali and stumbled on this post. I know how slaves ended up here I know who owned them and I know where they mostly came from. They were naturally owned by the wealthy and most were house slaves which resulted in a small percentage of them becoming wealthy as result of their connections (many were white from Armenia and are passing as Arabs) and Believe me no matter how wealthy they are and how good they hide their origin, they would trade all of their wealth for being a Somali immigrant (living with Iqama/on sponsorship) instead of being of slave descend. Be proud of your Somali descend and don't spoil our forefathers sacrifices like this idiot.
I like hearing posts like these from people who live in the gulf and their experiences as a Somali. We got too many western niggas running around who need exposure to life in other parts of the world.


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