Somali guy shills for alt right

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
I would never accept any amount of money to throw my people or my dignity under the bus. These coons must be erased!
You know what to do.

Lefties don't like facts.

Where is the white privilege?

The Asians have the first, second and third highest household incomes. Nigerians and Ghanaians have higher household incomes than the overwhelming majority of white households.

Somalis have the LOWEST household income compared to ANY group. But instead of improving their situation and look up to the Nigerians and Ghanaians, they choose to complain and continue going on their path


Lefties don't like facts.

Where is the white privilege?

The Asians have the first, second and third highest household incomes. Nigerians and Ghanaians have higher household incomes than the overwhelming majority of white households.

Somalis have the LOWEST household income compared to ANY group. But instead of improving their situation and look up to the Nigerians and Ghanaians, they choose to complain and continue going on their path
The West Africans far exceed us, they're fairly admirable, but they send their best, whilst we primarily consist of a smorgasbord of multigenerational refugees and a tiny minority of pre-war immigrants. Plus, there's a lot of backwardness and hocus pocus in our communities that sets us back. They have some crime and negative stereotypes as well, but it can be countered with their excellence in other areas (not so for us).


Not your typical Farah
You people don't understand what the real Alt-Right is. It's basically White Nationalism. Yes, there are two version of the Alt-Right -- the original one started with Richard Spencer(White Nationalist) and than the newer more popular one with Milo from Breitbrat. Basically they hijacked the word like Liberals hijacked the word Liberal.

Also, being Conservative or non-Liberal is consider being an uncle tom? :what1:


Not your typical Farah
Lefties don't like facts.

Where is the white privilege?

The Asians have the first, second and third highest household incomes. Nigerians and Ghanaians have higher household incomes than the overwhelming majority of white households.

Somalis have the LOWEST household income compared to ANY group. But instead of improving their situation and look up to the Nigerians and Ghanaians, they choose to complain and continue going on their path
Basically victim-hood mentality.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf

  • white ppl have at least a 50% upper hand when it comes to job applications for no other reason than being white. the advantage is even larger when compared to people with Muslim sounding names
  • white ppl are 18 times (!!!) less likely to be tried as an adult for crimes committed as a juvenile compared to
  • white ppl are stopped on the road 100% less often by the police than their black and latino counterparts even though they have a 23% higher hit rate (ie: found with contraband or committing a crime)
  • after being stopped, white ppl are searched 400% less often than their black and latino counterparts, even though they have a 56% higher hit rate in those situations
  • police are far less likely to get physical and use force on white ppl they suspect of committing crime
  • not only that, but they are 350% less likely to be shot and killed by police despite the fact that
a.) 'The only thing that was significant in predicting whether someone shot and killed by police was unarmed was whether or not they were black. . . . Crime variables did not matter in terms of predicting whether the person killed was unarmed.' and

b.) There is no correlation between the level of violent crime in an area and that area’s police killing rates.

  • white ppl have an advantage when it comes to college admissions, making up 77% of enrollment in top schools despite being only 68% of the college age population. this is despite the fact that whites and minorities are equally unprepared for college
  • this is proven by the fact that 57 percent of minority students with scores higher than 1200 out of 1600 (the SAT scoring scale changed to a maximum of 2400 points in 2005) on the SAT eventually received some sort of certificate or degree, compared to 77 percent of whites with similar scores.
  • redlining means that white ppl have the upper hand when it comes to housing. minority renters are told about 10–12 percent fewer units than whites and are shown 4–7 percent fewer places by agents
  • In 17 percent of the cases in that study, whites were offered a unit when blacks were told that none were available
  • Over all, black prospective renters were presented 11 percent fewer rentals than whites, Hispanics about 12 percent fewer rentals and Asians about 10 percent fewer rentals. As prospective buyers, blacks were presented 17 percent fewer homes and Asians 15 percent fewer homes, but Hispanics were given the opportunity to see roughly the same number of homes as whites.
white privilege doesnt exist my futo :stopit:
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