Somali history: facts or fiction?

I’ve always thought about this, but am I the only one who finds Somali history hard to decipher and determine if it’s true or not? No one can agree on anything when it comes to Somali history. I’ve wondered, if the government becomes more developed and history is taught in schools, how would that work? For example, there are multiple groups that claim Ahmed Gurey was from different backgrounds. Some say he was Harari, others say he was Samaroon or Karanle, and each group insists they are telling the truth. So, who do we believe? Even in recent history, things about the Kacaan era aren’t clear, and when it comes to the 90s civil war, some deny certain events, while others claim that the numbers have been exaggerated. When will Somalis come to a clear consensus about our history? It’s all very muddled right now and I would hate to be a historian based in Somalia, so many people would get offended.
Harari didn't exist back then , no mentions are ever given to a group called Harari , its modern scholars making that up, same with Agrogoba. Afar was called Danakil lived further north around Eritrean coast, at the time they were in compliance with Christian Ethiopia and his clan was not mentioned like most non-clan leaders.
His army was just a collection of local Somali clans some mentioned without the occupational name ''Soomal''(pastoralists) and a handful of Arabs that joined for Jihad from abroad.

We can confidently say he was Somali, since we have a Portuguese commentary who were eyewitness and arrived at the area confirming it.

The Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543 as narrated by Castanhoso

''He was certainly not an Arab: probably he was a Somali, for we find him closely connected with many who were Somalis''

This is also to me reveals the true actors involved in the war from the Muslim side, because the only potentialities they saw of his ethnicity was either Arab or Somali, they ruled out Arabs though.

I am not sure if anyone has ever claimed him to be Samaaron. But there was an Ethiopian scholar that did his own research and devised the idea that he is Hawiye from Ogaden on his Father side and Harla Kombe on his mother side but this is more or less yet to be explored more to see if it holds merit
most of our history is vague, which very annoying. Only a bit of archeological research has been done and with that bit they discovered the awesome cave paintings and a few other things. If we have more archaeologists to excavate I'm sure it will clear up a lot of things.

