Somali IQ of the average Minnesotan is 91

This was not an official test and this is not a scientific study, nor does it read like one at all. This is literally a Wordpress site, with the post's author clearly stating this in their lead paragraph:

The discussion of the performance of African immigrants led by Chanda Chisala has been of unusually poor quality. As such, I thought that I might write a brief tutorial post on how to locate data and estimate differences in hopes that this will inspire better research practices and more rigorous debate.

The main author from this 2015 blog post, John G. R. Fuerst, "Chuck", is a pseudoscientist and well known for racism:

Internet literacy is horrific with the members on this platform. Its down right appalling as many of you share the most baseless things without a single thought when doing so. Even in this case when it directly calls into question the intelligence of our shared ethnicity.

@Admin, I highly encourage you to completely whip this baseless and nonsensical thread.
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Why is @trf disliking this post
Because its baseless, nonsensical, and should be removed from the site. I explain bellow:
This was not an official test and this is not a scientific study, nor does it read like one at all. This is literally a Wordpress site, with the post's author clearly stating this in their lead paragraph:

The main author, John G. R. Fuerst, "Chuck", is a pseudoscientist and well known for racism:

Internet literacy is horrific with the members on this platform. Its down right appalling as many of you share the most baseless things without a single thought when doing so. Even in this case when it directly calls into question the intelligence of our shared ethnicity.

@Admin, I highly encourage you to completely whip this baseless and nonsensical thread.
It reads like a blogpost by a white supremacist and a pseudo scientist trying jump through mental hoops. It's part of a response to someone who pointed out that Somali refugees in Seattle out-performed native English speaking hispanics and black Americans in test scores , like reading and math.

Mind you the IQ of Black Americans is measured at 94 in the Washington Area , they usually justify this number by saying it's due to 25% white DNA. Whereas with other Africans like Nigerian Americans , Ghanaians etc they usually explain away their academic performance by pointing out how they are highly selected (Only the wealthy and educated leave their countries to come to the US) and are thus not representative of the total population. Same for Ethiopians.

But with Somalis both of those explanations fall flat. So they are met with a challenge to their ideology.

The debate and discussion the author refers to.

The author is forced to grasp at alternative justifications. He tries to dismiss Ethiopian-American success by claiming they are selected, but that doesn’t work for Somalis, so he instead hints at Somali ancestry being "substantially non-Negroid"—a weak and vague argument with racial undertones.

Since most Ethiopian Americans were or are the descendants of highly selected economic emigrants, Seattle Ethiopian scores, even were they representative of those of the broader Ethiopian American population, could not provide dispositive evidence in support of his argument. Since Somali immigrants, mostly being nominal refugees, are much less selected, their scores could disconfirm a global Jensenist hypothesis (with respect to SubSaharan Africans and Europids) — maybe this should be called a Lynnian or Rushtonian hypothesis instead, since Jensen concerned himself mostly with U.S. differences — so long as we are willing to discount the fact and any implications drawn from this that Horn-of-African populations are substantially non-Negroid. Unfortunately, for his argument, though, the Somali performance in the U.S. — as yet — seems to be not inconsistent with a Jensenist position. More convincing data could be found. In the future it would be nice if any such was presented in a rigorous manner.

It shows someone who is ideologically committed to race-based IQ theories but is struggling to explain away contradictory evidence. Instead of admitting that the data challenges his worldview, he bends over backward to find loopholes, all while subtly moving the goalposts.