Somali is a semitic language (WITH EVIDENCE)


I put Books to the Test of Life
This is not Islam

A Muslim who isn't actually sure about Aakhira and if the god she believes is the true one
If she chooses to reflect on her actions and seek repentance, that is a matter between her and Allah. She has not explicitly rejected the shahada or the articles of faith, unless she states it openly now.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
As you all know, the Somali language has been classified as "Cushitic" since the 19th century by satanic colonialists. This couldn't be further from the truth. In this thread I will use linguistic evidence to debunk the hoax that is the Cushitic language family.

Somali is Semitic, close to languages such as Hebrew, Amharic, Tigre, Tigrinya. Somali, like Arabic has a triconsonantal root from which it makes verbs, adjectives and nouns, usually by adding vowels between the consonants (often times this root is semitic).

Somali is an SVO (Subject-Object-Verb) language, while Arabic is also an SVO language (SVO is the most common one, you can also use VSO, SOV but they are rarely used).

Somali has 3 cases (nominative, absolutive, and genitive), while Arabic has 3 (nominative, genitive and accusative).

The two languages have the same sounds, such as the Voiced postalveolar affricate, Voiceless postalveolar fricative, Voiceless velar fricative, Voiceless pharyngeal fricative, Voiced pharyngeal fricative, Voiceless uvular fricative, Glottal stop and Voiceless glottal fricative. These sounds are not shared with other "Cushitic" languages such as Rendille. This is also the case for the Agaw languages and Sidamo languages. Neither of them share the same sounds that Somali and Arabic share.

Now, some of you will see this and still argue "our languages are both afro-asiatic, this is expected", this is another common misconception with amateur linguists. What is considered the major difference between Semitic and other afro-asiatic languages is Non-concatenative morphology. Now non-concatenative morphology is a form of word formation and inflection in which the root is modified and which does not involve stringing morphemes together sequentially. Non-concatenative morphology is also found, but to a lesser extent and without patterns with ablaut in the stem in "Cushitic" languages such as Afar and Somali, it is not found in any other "Cushitic" language.

Now, here are some examples of south Arabian words present in the Somali language that are not present in any other non Semitic language (excluding Afar)View attachment 297368View attachment 297367

Please note that once again, bar habesha languages, afar and the current southern Yemeni dialect of Arabic these words are non existent in any other language except Somali. Next, I will show you just a few examples of the Arabic words present in the Somali language. Again I could post hundreds of examples but I will limit it to few (this post is already getting long)View attachment 297368View attachment 297370View attachment 297372

Even now there are plenty of other Arabic words missing such as malqacad(spoon), madiibad(bowl) ciyaal(children) xafiis (office) , xummad (flu) etc. These are just the few off the top of my head.
Lastly I’ll show some ethiosemitic words present in the Somali languageView attachment 297375
View attachment 297376
View attachment 297377
Combined, the Somali language in its entirety is almost entirely composed of Semitic words either from Sabaen, ethiosemitic languages (mostly southern) or directly from Arabic itself. This paired with the linguistic structure of the Somali language I think it’s fair to say our language is Semitic. I could go on longer about the differences in stratum between Somali and a few other Cushitic languages but this post is long enough already. I will tackle it in another post Insha Allah
This whole discussion degenerated into the usual bickering like usual, lol. Though what @Al Adnani brought up is very interesting, I didn’t know that Somali shares so much with Semitic languages outside of root words/loan words.


Everything about somalis is semitic. Not only language but ethnicity wise and culture, somalis according to my findings belong to semitic category. Anyone who is anti somali is actually antisemitic. Don't let others define you. We are living in unfair, unscientific and fake World where one side is pushing its own agenda down our throats.
This whole discussion degenerated into the usual bickering like usual, lol. Though what @Al Adnani brought up is very interesting, I didn’t know that Somali shares so much with Semitic languages outside of root words/loan words.

We need more analysis it is definitely interesting and tbh the whole classification of languages was done by one guy initially. BUT there are definitely obvious major things shared with neighbouring languages so I am not sure we can say for certain it is a Semitic language.

Classification of languages always causes arguments amongst linguists I would have to see more and I also wonder where this leaves a language like Oromo.
Everything about somalis is semitic. Not only language but ethnicity wise and culture, somalis according to my findings belong to semitic category. Anyone who is anti somali is actually antisemitic. Don't let others define you. We are living in unfair, unscientific and fake World where one side is pushing its own agenda down our throats.

What are these findings?
Actually? What was his name?
I was wrong I got confused with something else but August Ludwig von Schlözer created the label 'Semitic' and said a bunch of languages were like Arabic, Hebrew and Friedrich Müller created the 'Hamitic' label though this was discredited later on it was bunch of European academics building off each other
English has 1400 Arabic words, other European languages have above 500 and other countries way more
Imagine Somali

Niggas speaking hundreds of Arabic words and think it's "trade" nigga how is this trade when the everyday words you use like ciyaal are Arabic, the only plausible explanation is the Arabs conquered and enslaved us taking us as concubines, which is cap the fact we have the oldest Sabean inscriptions says it all and our language sounds very Arabic
For real if somali is arabic then spanish is arabic and not latin
Well the argument has won me over.
I realise that I was influenced by western scholars who have a specific bias and using unreliable sources like the Bible.
From an Islamic perspective z cush is son of shem not ham like in the bible.
The genetic evidence and archaeological evidence makes sense as the proto semites would have come from natufians ev32.
The sumerians and akkadians were always talking about fighting light skinned invaders from the mountains.
Even after thousands of years of assimilation the assyrians talk about invasion of light skinned mountain tribes.
This explains why Jews and arabs are nearly 75% j1,j2 a clave comment from yhe caucuses and zagros mountains.

Cushites and the somali phenotype would be the closest looking to ancient arabs and isrealites.


Well the argument has won me over.
I realise that I was influenced by western scholars who have a specific bias and using unreliable sources like the Bible.
From an Islamic perspective z cush is son of shem not ham like in the bible.
The genetic evidence and archaeological evidence makes sense as the proto semites would have come from natufians ev32.
The sumerians and akkadians were always talking about fighting light skinned invaders from the mountains.
Even after thousands of years of assimilation the assyrians talk about invasion of light skinned mountain tribes.
This explains why Jews and arabs are nearly 75% j1,j2 a clave comment from yhe caucuses and zagros mountains.

Cushites and the somali phenotype would be the closest looking to ancient arabs and isrealites.
So you’re like us cadcads then?

