I dont think so.what is he like half somali
I dont think so.what is he like half somali
I personally dont think so,i sussed his insta and it was mostly filled with madows,hes probably a heavily admixed madow,maybe 60% african and 40% cadaanYou sure he's Somali?
That is a good move for him .
There are many Somali families who take their children to football teams (including mine ).Only a select talented few can get into academies though . One Somali Brother could soon break through to the Cardiff City team . There are a few others floating around .There will be a Somali player that makes it big in the next ten years .a former coach of mine once confessed that he did not like taking chances of SomAli players because they were very skilful ,but not Strong , like other blacks .Since the FA has moved to a developing a more technical style of play , slim and skilful Somalis will get more chances . We just have to be patienct !As if hes Somali since when do somali parents throw there kids to football academies usually they throw them to quran school. Lets be real there will never be a Somali football player that will make it big.
There are many Somali families who take their children to football teams (including mine ).Only a select talented few can get into academies though . One Somali Brother could soon break through to the Cardiff City team . There are a few others floating around .There will be a Somali player that makes it big in the next ten years .a former coach of mine once confessed that he did not like taking chances of SomAli players because they were very skilful ,but not Strong , like other blacks .Since the FA has moved to a developing a more technical style of play , slim and skilful Somalis will get more chances . We just have to be patienct !
We have to shed the cultural mArxist narratives of "Somalis can't do anything " because they read Quran on Sunday's .you Somali haters and naysayers are worse than deadwood .all you do is criticise and perpetuate negative stereotypes .