Somali kids are being abandoned in the streets

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Well traditionally it should be the father's relatives that help take care of the child. But since the child was most likely born out of wedlock I guess they were too ashamed to keep the baby.

In places where there are no government welfare marriage is a vital part of society. This is why having sex outside of marriage has such a harsh stigma in our culture.

I wonder what will happen to these children. I think Somalis are very considerate of orphans, but a child out-of-wedlock I doubt would receive good care or funding were it to be known?

We can blame both or either party like this....
Too many young horney halimos can't close their legs before marriage and this is the result! don't have sex if you can't
take the responsibility of being a mother.
Adeer Somalia in general is poor. These kids are born out of wedlock, young folks back home know nothin' else but ku aasid and this is result.

But really, it becomes a public health issue when no side takes responsibility, failing the vital role of marriage, and unfortunately poorer countries don't have these services so the problems manifest in other ways, i.e, kids abandoned on streets.

Side Note; To even mention abstinence at this point in time is reallyyy irrelevant, because the abstaining individuals who abstinence has worked for aren't the one's in question here. Sure, abstinence is a 100% foolproof "contraceptive", but only if you actually abstain lol. That's where contraceptives and condoms come in...*eek* I know some people will cringe, but it's the easiest way to control it (?)

Side Side Note: I think mother's abandoning actual babies is indicative of how severe the stigma for the mother keeping them, too, because it's one thing to abort before you're too attached such as happens in other countries and maybe even there, too, but an actual baby that was carried full-term, birthed and fed is typically hard on the mother to give it up just like that due the bond that's already taken hold.
i didn't even know there were orphanages. i remember when i was in hargeisa someone abandoned their twin girls in front of my dugsi but my neighbors took them in since there were no orphanages and no one to care for them.


So these fukers are ku aasin and dipping smh. Expect a lot of this from this generation. Our parents generation had xishood. I'm sure they ku aased each other but it was hid and they'd get married to save face. But with this generation their is no xishood. Dudes will have kids in every other block.:francis: If this doesn't stop we'll be like our AA brothers and Somali Maury will be a new hit.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Sad to see stuff like this happen Im shocked to hear about people throwing their kids away like that :eek:

They probably feel ashamed and they have no one to turn to and Id imagine
the Guy they trusted who showered them with words " waan Ku jeclahay..aduunka gacanta ku saareya" tells her " naa isma naqaan ee ha ii sheegan"

I dont know maybe sex ed could do some good back home And Waalidku inu caruurta la hadlo aya fiican oy kala hadlaan khatarta ku jirta oy kula taliyaan guurka xalaasha inay wax ka fiican jirin.

Ilaahy khayr badan ha siyo dadkan caruurta oo gargaarey


Jet life till my next life
i didn't even know there were orphanages. i remember when i was in hargeisa someone abandoned their twin girls in front of my dugsi but my neighbors took them in since there were no orphanages and no one to care for them.

When was the last time you were there?
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