His mother raised him well. Most Somali guys are like him in real life. This site only attracts women haters like you.
His mother raised him well. Most Somali guys are like him in real life. This site only attracts women haters like you.
Jealous of what exactly? The fact that mercury can scramble eggs better than me cause he has more flexibility in his wrist?
I can scramble an egg but the way Allah created @Mercury is that he’s blessed with flexible wrists that’s all I can cook my own food but I can never scramble an egg like mercuryCognitive you came to London from a third world country and have learnt nothing. Realistically if you went back to Somalia you would have nothing to offer them. No new ideas about how to improve their way of lives and treat their women.
These men that are above you, are not insecure about their masculinity. I’m sure you watched your mother break her back every ramadan to cook you a decent meal, and you were too proud to help her. Quite frankly it’s sad that you think you are too good to boil an egg. This is something that is a life skill.
Do you behave in a civilised manner Ms. Knowles when all you do is whimper and moan about what Somali men can or can't do?!Do you even know what a cuck is? It’s someone who raises another man’s child. Not a decent civilised farax who doesn’t fight women.
If you faraxs behave in a civilised manner like the did, we would make less threads that gets you inside of your feels.
You're one to talk@Mercury wears a tampon he's a ladyboy, my g don't sag too hard you might show everybody your thong.
Disappointed is a heavyset xalimo
You ain't slick. I'm a man you dusty troll.
Haye, you're a man just like knowles was
I apologize for calling you heavyset. Very rude of me![]()
What's very rude is denying me the right to be considered a man who respects and upholds women's rights.
Also, the unusual constant use of the word 'brother' or 'bro' blew her cover wide open.Your infatuation with colour, bantus, pan-Africanism, feminism & disdain of Somali guys, and most importantly dislike of Habesha birds says otherwise sxb.
You can uphold a few of those things, but not all of them and still be a cisfaarax.
You exposed yourself there, sis![]()
Your infatuation with colour, bantus, pan-Africanism, feminism & disdain of Somali guys, and most importantly dislike of Habesha birds says otherwise sxb.
You can uphold a few of those things, but not all of them and still be a cisfaarax.
You exposed yourself there, sis![]()
Your infatuation with colour, bantus, pan-Africanism, feminism & disdain of Somali guys, and most importantly dislike of Habesha birds says otherwise sxb.
You can uphold a few of those things, but not all of them and still be a cisfaarax.
You exposed yourself there, sis![]()
The obsession u have with Somali men is just flattering and is the most Xalimo thing.would just like to aknowledge some of the SSpot kings on this forum.
Everyone knows when I insult Somali men it’s one particular brand of the Somali male who has the dreaded farax chromosome. He is backwards in his mentality and wants to control women.
I’d like to thank our two kings @Mercury and @Disappointed for helping us take these sexist pigs down.
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You both have made me realise that not all Somali men are birth defects.
Fixed itwould just like to aknowledge some of the SSpot kings on this forum.
Everyone knows when I insult Somali men it’s one particular brand of the Somali male who has the dreaded farax chromosome. He is backwards in his mentality and wants to control women.
I’d like to thank our two kings @Mercury and @Disappointed and @Jerome in the house for helping us take these sexist pigs down.
View attachment 44858
You three have made me realise that not all Somali men are birth defects.
How can I hate myself as a Somali male? How can you call yourself a Somali man and like Xaarbashi girls?
So I can't be a straight Somali male and support the rights of women and have pan-African views.
Europe has the EU and China is slowly uniting East Asia. Africans must stick together if they want to compete against other people. The reason I support women's rights is that I have sisters and a mother who I love and I want them to live in a world where they won't get discriminated because of how they were born.
You mad because you didn’t make it to the list?
Because I don't attach politics to pussy. You're out there calling straight dimes clapped, what is wrong with you? "Africans must stick together - except ethiopians! Let's instead unite with 100's of millions of Bantus!"
I will not tolerate anti-Cushitism.
I can always tell a xalimo from a faarax. This one deep cover, unlike you. Your posts reeked estrogen from the get go