Somali lesbians aren't as numerous or as open as Somali gays

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I don't know why this is even a discussion why would any one care about if a Somali boy or a girl sleeps with the same gender. Its no one's bloody business what people do under the sheets . If it's being puplically displayed then that's when i'm concerned . I don't want to know your sexual fetishism if you into lesbisnism or being gay I don't want to hear your coming out story.
Why are you concerned if they're displaying if they're gay/lesbian? What actions would you or the government take on these s? Imprison them? Kill them?
But she's a practising Muslim so that doesn't count. I doubt she's really lesbian. She's just being used by Muslims to show that even the LGBTQQIP2SAA community loves Islam and so should you (you as in the white kufaar)

Because you are doing the same using the LGBT cover ?
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