Somali lives matter

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It is known that there is a problem with somalis disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Kenya. Well known, don't run away from the facts people. Kenyans and Ethiopians play the friend card with Somalia but they actually have ill intentions for Somalia. Its time to wake up Somalis.

Only traitors & stupid that think Ethiopia & Kenya are their friends & brothers.


Pepe Trump
Self hater like you would not defend the right of Somalis but would stand with the Bantu because the European man decided that Bantu are the new victims although all their crimes turned blind to them.
Kenya: Somalis scapegoated in counter-terror crackdown
27 May 2014, 00:00 UTC

Kenya’s Somali community is being scapegoated in a counter-terror operation which has seen thousands subjected to arbitrary arrest, harassment, extortion, ill-treatment, forcible relocation and expulsion, Amnesty International said today.

In a new Briefing Paper Amnesty International documents a disturbing wave of serious human rights violations suffered by Kenya’s Somali community since a security crackdown - known as ‘Operation Usalama Watch’ - began in early April 2014.

“It appears that ‘Operation Uslama Watch’ is being used as a pretext for the blanket punishment of the Somali community in Kenya. They have become scapegoats with thousands arrested and ill-treated, forcibly relocated and hundreds unlawfully expelled to a war-torn country,” said Michelle Kagari, Deputy Regional Director for Eastern Africa at Amnesty International.

This is stupid. :draketf:

This has nothing to do with Kenyans. I'm talking about Somali Bantus being treated like shit and you present to me what Kenyan have been doing to Somalis?

I very much acknowledge that Kenya is treating and has treated Somalis like shit but that's a different point. I was talking about Somali Bantus.
This is stupid. :draketf:

This has nothing to do with Kenyans. I'm talking about Somali Bantus being treated like shit and you present to me what Kenyan have been doing to Somalis?

I very much acknowledge that Kenya is treating and has treated Somalis like shit but that's a different point. I was talking about Somali Bantus.

No you do not know anything about them, they made all those videos demanding to be president of Somalia and their own state, even hate videos of their women who calling for the death of our kids. You are naive guy who does not know anything them. Go back to the old threads here and you will see thier other side. Of course you will find excuses for them because you want to be play role of the great hero and defender of weak aka SJW.


Pepe Trump
No you do not know anything about them, they made all those videos demanding to be president of Somalia and their own state, even hate videos of their women who calling for the death of our kids. You are naive guy who does not know anything them. Go back to the old threads here and you will see thier other side. Of course you will find excuses for them because you want to be play role of the great hero and defender of weak aka SJW.

Lol Don't call me an SJW, that's just an insult! Don't call me an SJW when I call out your clear double standard. The Bantu hating on this forum is self evident.

I find it funny how the Somali majority, who is long have been observed to subjugate, discriminate and isolate the Bantu populations from their society, to now complain that those very minorities are out to get them.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Canuck never fails in amazing me.

It's like a white person claiming "white genocide" because minorities are outbreeding them. Somalis would think that's racist.

Somali women breed like rats man, you shouldn't worry about innocent people trying to live but you should worry about trying to feed the starving children in Somalia irregardless of ethnic background. Do Zaka ya Ukhti!
Is this pathetic gaal motherfucker even Somali, wallahi this place is full of waste yutes that are washed, rest in coffins often.
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