Somali MARXIST LENNINST says we should put race before religion

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I have an IQ of 300
The Ottoman Turks came to our aid with guns and men, when these so called "black brothers" tried to expand into our land and today Turkey is coming to our aid once again whilst we are killed in the black countries we inhabit(Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia etc)

Unfortunately these idiots think that people who are the same colour should also feel some kind of affinity for each other.
That might work in the race-obsessed cuckoo land we call the USA, but outside of the West that idea is about as simplistic and idiotic as expecting your toy soldiers to be on the same team because they are both green.

The so called countries where our "African brothers" are from feel more enmity towards us than the supposed "Arab oppressors". But they get a free pass because they have the same skin colour as us. This is racism in its finest form, the racism that they accuse Arabs and whites of, and ironically they're doing it themselves. If you have the intellect so separate a regime from its people, fair play to you but if you're going to hate millions of people because of something you heard a few individuals doing, it should at least make some fucking sense.
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