Finally, someone is addressing the telegram epidemic. These men go to Liido Beach and record girls that come out of the ocean when their baati sticks to their skin. It's very creepy. And whilst I agree with your main points, you can't expect the people to change until they have a leader that guides them. The majority of Somalis are illiterate in their language and can't even write in Somali; all they know is qabil & vibes, and they have zero hope in Somalia. They are all planning their exit. Until we get a leader who can give hope to the Somali people, they will continue living a degenerate life, I'm afraid.I hate to say this but Somalia deserves this kind of president because he reflects the people who live in Somalia.
Somalis think that they’re above someone like HSM meanwhile half the population is on 1xbet gambling everyday while chewing khat. How do you expect your salah to be accepted when you’re high all day? If they’re not doing that they’re on telegram exposing their somali sisters. Then you have random geeljires killing each other over water wells or all the land theft that goes on . There’s so many things wrong with our society so it’s only right we have a president who represents how Somalis are lol