Somali men and white girls

I’ve noticed something. Black men (including Somali men) always see white and non black women for instance Latinos as a trophy. It’s like whenever they’re doing good and have a bit of fame or money they add a white wife just to top it off. I’ve also noticed somali men accept certain shit from non Somali girls that wouldn’t slide with a Somali girls
Those are a bunch of new-money self-haters who don't respect the struggle or don't wanna be reminded of where they came from :camby:


Macawiis, dacas iyo AK47.
Yeah, I'm reer euro but I moved to the UK. If I was still in Finland then my preference would most likely have been different.
Scandinavians blondes with curves are as rare as unicorn but my word, they are the most attractive thing on this planet:banderas:
Idk, but one simp I can confirm

Looool I'd rather be a simp than a nin-naag scrapping with girls from behind a computer. Learn some respect.




Your post reminded me of this NBA ‘star’ who called black women bulldogs looool

What a warped mind. I bet he scrubs his hands extra hard.


North-West, London
True who wants a Xaaliimo who turns in to whale after the first or second child. Somali woman are famous for their “xasul baruur”


North African queen could never

