Somali men are Hypocrites.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Warsame21 nigga how many accounts are you gonna make?

Let's be real, alotta girls in the west are like that. But then again, there are a lot of righteous women who fears Allah.

As men, we need to understand where we looking and the questions we ask determines what type of girls we end up with.

Too many of us say we want good girls and yet our eyes steer towards the "bad girls" because these girls represents the freedom of the parts within us that's been suppressed. Just like how good girls like bad boys. For the contrast
The word "bad" is subjective to each person.

And also some niggas deserves to be married to ****s. There could be plenty of reasons for that.

Good boy/girl ❤ Bad girl/boy

Bad boy/girl ❤ Good girl/boy

It was a blanket statement with a fabricated 99% statistic to be sensational. He is under the impression practically everyone is a liar and extremely conflicted soul when we know it's more like a spectrum with various degrees of piety.

Anyway, I stand behind the statement that good boys (meaning those who abstained from zina inspite of having options) make idyllic prospects. They stand for something and don't falter to their passions. I would much prefer a level of self-restraint that matches my own. That isn't to say a man with a past is not capable of being repentant, monogamous or a good father but the former is preferable with everything being equal. I have never really given 'bad boys' a chance let alone to assume the role of suitor/marital prospect. I know some people lie so I ask poignant questions, use discernment, test (them) and triangulate my findings from different sources. :sass2:


Flying over your heads
It was a blanket statement with a fabricated 99% statistic to be sensational. He is under the impression practically everyone is a liar and extremely conflicted soul when we know it's more like a spectrum with various degrees of piety.

Anyway, I stand behind the statement that good boys (meaning those who abstained from zina inspite of having options) make idyllic prospects. They stand for something and don't falter to their passions. I would much prefer a level of self-restraint that matches my own. That isn't to say a man with a past is not capable of being repentant, monogamous or a good father but the former is preferable with everything being equal. I have never really given 'bad boys' a chance let alone to assume the role of suitor/marital prospect.

I know some people lie so I ask poignant questions, use discernment, test (them) and triangulate my findings from different sources. :sass2:

A sharp girl like you won't ever need to worry about getting finessed by a nigga.

A lotta people could learn from your way of thinking.

A person gotta give some time and effort to Dr Phil their suitor.

But too many of us rush things, for the sake of kacsi corruption or the marriage status

One thing that bothers me is that men are willing to deal with women that don't find them attractive in the first place. This is the main reason why married women even cheat or atleast give off vibes to other people


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
A sharp girl like you won't ever need to worry about getting finessed by a nigga.

A lotta people could learn from your way of thinking.

A person gotta give some time and effort to Dr Phil their suitor.

But too many of us rush things, for the sake of kacsi corruption or the marriage status

One thing that bothers me is that men are willing to deal with women that don't find them attractive in the first place. This is the main reason why married women even cheat or atleast give off vibes to other people

If you take some time to hear what people are saying, you cannot go wrong.

I have been taught to learn from the accumulated experiences of other people. I use them as case studies. Less effort that way.

In any case, passions diminish but an issue arises in people who are constantly addicted to chasing highs of infatuation and attempt to recreate early beginnings rather than dealing with greater comfort and depth from a long-term committed relationship. Anyone who is with someone will eventually be bored. That is why you have hobbies and interests outside of who you are with. It is up to both parties to cultivate themselves separately and work on the relationship together.

I think it's unusual for someone to marry someone they aren't remotely attracted to even in terms of character attributes. That type of marriage is one of convenience. From what I gather cheating has little to do with whether the spouse is attractive or not but probably is due to some combination of low self-esteem, insecure attachment style, penchant for thrill-seeking behavior and an unmet need for responsiveness/attention.


Flying over your heads
If you take some time to hear what people are saying, you cannot go wrong.

I have been taught to learn from the accumulated experiences of other people. I use them as case studies. Less effort that way.

In any case, passions diminish but an issue arises in people who are constantly addicted to chasing highs of infatuation and attempt to recreate early beginnings rather than dealing with greater comfort and depth from a long-term committed relationship. Anyone who is with someone will eventually be bored. That is why you have hobbies and interests outside of who you are with. It is up to both parties to cultivate themselves separately and work on the relationship together.

I think it's unusual for someone to marry someone they aren't remotely attracted to even in terms of character attributes.

From what I gather cheating has little to do with whether the spouse is attractive or not but probably is due to some combination of low self-esteem, insecure attachment style, penchant for thrill-seeking behavior and an unmet need for responsiveness/attention.

The last part you wrote is nothing short of pure unadulterated fax.

The thing that is most slept on is the understanding of attachment styles. I learned about this few months ago and it expanded my awareness of myself, how I dealt with people and understanding women at a more empathetic level.

Agatha, if we switched genders, I'd throw my soaking panties at you. Your sapio sex appeal is a beast fr. @Desert Flower will cosign me on this
Just realized how big of hypocrites Somali men are. They say they want a virgin for marriage and will do the whole white sheets thing. I can assure you some users on here will be having a magnifying glass when consummating their marriage to see if the hymen breaks. + When a somali woman does anything out of the ordinary that a somali woman does like kissing an ajanbi or going out with one they are auto *****s but when Somali men do it its #abdiexit :pachah1:. Some of them on here are so insecure with what they im believing they would divorce their future wife if it turned out she lipsed a man before marriage :damn::tocry:. As a Western Born and raised Geeljire i am now supporting the #XalimoExit Movement to stop them from marrying these faraxs with shit for brains.
All unwanteds can leave


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The last part you wrote is nothing short of pure unadulterated fax.

The thing that is most slept on is the understanding of attachment styles. I learned about this few months ago and it expanded my awareness of myself, how I dealt with people and understanding women at a more empathetic level.

Agatha, if we switched genders, I'd throw my soaking panties at you. Your sapio sex appeal is a beast fr. @Desert Flower will cosign me on this

Self-awareness is the key to personal growth allowing you to reflect on the past and it's imparted lessons.

The imagery. :holeup: Side steps the dirty negligee intended for alternate reality male version of me.

But graciously accepts the compliment. :samwelcome: