Somali Men, Who Would You Choose

Who do you desire more?

  • A

    Votes: 22 34.4%
  • B

    Votes: 42 65.6%

  • Total voters
Nah at this point you're just a retard. There's no way someone can be as blind and obtuse as you. You're the only one who hasn;t provided any relevant sources, if any at all.

Complete lie with no source. Somalis were never sea traders until the beginning of the medieval period. The fact that Reer Xamar came to Muqdisho and there were NO Somali sea travellers communitites is just further proof. Somalis were either nomads or pastoralists or herders.

Nearly all parts of the coast were utilised founded by foreigners. Berbera being an Arab colony is just scratching the surface.

Another deviation and delusion....

Guess I'll repeat myself again. All those cities were founded by ajnabis and were named by the Greek travellers that went there. "Sarapion" and "Opone" for example is a Greek name as stated by @Shanshiyo1234 before shifting to the current Somali names.

Those wikipedia links u sent are clearly edited by delusional Somali nationals and don't mane any connection to current Somalis at all. When I gave u multiple links from wikipedia stating that Reer Xamar founded the current Muqdisho, Berbera being an Arab colony, and other cities being controlled by ajnabis, u decided to go against these facts....but when it comes to a kingdom we know nothing of and has no connection to current Somali cutlure.people u coose to blindly believe it.,..clear sign of a psycopath and hard denial.

You're a retard (sorry not sorry)

Again, that's from 3000 BCE Somaliland. Clearly not a Somali civilisation but was closer to Punt which was started in Eritrea n Sudan and moved south to clonise Somaliland's coast.

Hey genius u see a pattern? How all these ancient settlements are at the coast of all places. I think u know what I mean. lol

Another lie. Here, I'll gladly re-post the sources.

"According to I.M. Lewis, the polity was governed by local dynasties consisting of Somalized Arabs or Arabized Somalis, who also ruled over the similarly-established Sultanate of Mogadishu in the Benadir region to the south."

This man called Lewish was referring to 8th-10th century!!! this confirms Zeila being kickstarted by Arabs and other early Muslims. Somalis were only in the process of being converted to Islam at the time. (

“The only seaports of importance on this coast are Feyla [Zeila] and Berbera; the former is an Arabian colony, dependent of Mocha, but Berbera is independent of any foreign power."

I will repeat it to u again @Factz the first quote refers the first couple centuries of Islam getting introduced to northern Somalia. There's no excaping it :westbrookswag:

The coast was a colony of Arabs and other Muslim powers. Just face it.

THAT DOESN'T MATTER. They were still founded and developed by Arabs and other Muslims. You are truly 68. How many times do I need to repeat?


Nowhere does it state that it was ruled by Somalis kkkkk



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Why are u mentioning Ifat out of nowhere? First of all Ifat was led by the Walashma dynasty which has Arab roots and was a xabesha Muslim dynasty. Most of the territory was in Ethiopia barely any of it was in Somalia

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The only real native Somali sultanate is Ajuran. Adal and Ifat were Harla/Harari/Belew/Afar led. Somalis were just a large portions of their armies.
U still haven't disproven all the main points here.

Just give up. Nobody's buying ur bullshit here. I'm free from the 68 curse unlike u kkk
As an Ethiopian. It does not benefit you to distort your fellow racial group's history.
That funny becasue the entirety of wikipedia provides sources which directly contradict with u.

Unless u believe Amxaro runs wikipedia like they run Adal and Ifat kkkkkk

Darood 4eva don't get butthurt


That funny becasue the entirety of wikipedia provides sources which directly contradict with u.

Unless u believe Amxaro runs wikipedia like they run Adal and Ifat kkkkkk

Darood 4eva don't get butthurt

I wouldn't say entirely because Merca mentions a Somali tribe founding the city. It mentions Ajuran Sultanate. No mention of Arab or Persian. Something new to me.

You should check Ifat and Adal Sultanates and the Walashma Dynasty. It's where I got the books from.

Zeila and Berbera are the same too.

Just Mogadishu page has been contaminated recently but it admits it's been founded by Somalis in the antiquity and that it was ruled by Somali kingdoms such as Mogadishu and Ajuran Sultanates.

Honestly, Wikipedia should be in the hands of historians, not trolls. You know Wikipedia also says Habesha people are mixed and their ancestors are Sabeans? Guess who wrote that? The editor is called Aden shooter. We both know where Aden is.
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I am not jealous of reer Xamar women. I openly admit that since they have light skin, they are considered more beautiful.

The one thing that amuses me is how jealous Somali men are of Reer Xamar men. You can see it by how they insult them. Reer Xamar men built Mogadishu, defined Somali culture, and have the women that all Somali men lust after. It makes sense why they are always a target of Somali male envy.
Lol envy as in
@Factz got debunked again. Not gonna insult u buddy but just move on from history. You don't know how to make relevant points. You ignore the opponent's sources. You lie way too much for my liking, this is why people in the past have found u to to be annoying.

Posting walls of text isn't gonna cover for ur lack of basic knowledge. The more u troll and lie the more I'll embarass you through simple fact checking.


I think you'd do pretty well in the qashin section though. The don't require IQ above 68 over there.
Yo, what’s your obsession langaab yahow xaarka ween?
Are you stupid? Do you know what the word stalking means? It basically means unwanted following! “the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of express or implied threats”. There’s nothing funny about stalking!
bro, you’re a self hater if u don’t consider yourself Somali. Straight up.
Also what do you mean B is regular somali
That woman should be a model

This is the regular somali
A and b are a step lower than the girl in blue but the other two next to her are average from the face region even though that i have seen them somewhere plus that reer xamar family too
Lmao can yall let it go? We all know reer Xamar people built Mogadishu. Ask your parents, they’ll tell you the same.

Thanks for derailing my thread yet again. This was about exposing Abdi jealousy for reer Xamar women and yet I get endless pages of history text :icon rolleyes:
B is more attractive, and somali families aren't all the same.

Mine was based more on features = attraction rather then skin color.

But I think other families thought light skin = beautiful no matter what

Lol only below where it matters and other than that they are okay in the looks department
Benadiris, including Reer Xamar are mostly Somali clans. Despire their looks. Majority are Somali sub-clan with a minority being Arab Sub-clans, although they look the same. Theyre all mixed. Even the minority from "arab" clan are heavily "ethnic Somali"

Its really silly to try and make it seem like theyre some foreign group.
U still haven't disproven all the main points here.

Just give up. Nobody's buying ur bullshit here. I'm free from the 68 curse unlike u kkk
For once I agree with you. I’m pretty sure hamar was built by Omanis. Also we know Somalis can’t build anything for the most part (not hating just the truth) even today, the people of Mogadishu like to claim the accomplishments of Turkish help.


For once I agree with you. I’m pretty sure hamar was built by Omanis. Also we know Somalis can’t build anything for the most part (not hating just the truth) even today, the people of Mogadishu like to claim the accomplishments of Turkish help.

He's a Somali hating troll, don't agree with anything he says. I've already refuted that fool. He got banned, thank God.

Omanis never settled or controlled Xamar. In fact, not a single Benadiri tribe have an Omani origin. As for Turkey, the Ottomans remained a key ally for the Somali medieval kingdoms such as Ajuran Sultanate and Adal Sultanate.

Don't down-play your people like that. There were many great Somali kingdoms in the past that that left behind legacy and sophisticated architectures. Somalia of today are a disgrace compared to their noble ancestors since they were contributing a lot in their timeline compared to their descendants in this modern day of age.

You should read this as a head start:
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You're the dumbest Isaaq I've seen on thios forum

Not only have u accused me of being Ethio countless times but u also tried to say I have an account on twitter or summ

Fuk outta here along with the rest of ur Isaaw prozzys giving it to next mans in Bush :camby:
a Habeshi talking about prozzys in BUSH aswell? a majority Habesha area looool what’s next??
You're the dumbest Isaaq I've seen on thios forum

Not only have u accused me of being Ethio countless times but u also tried to say I have an account on twitter or summ

Fuk outta here along with the rest of ur Isaaw prozzys giving it to next mans in Bush :camby:
but seeing as you’re not Somali let me tell you there is no difference between a Isaaq man and a man from say Kismayo, i know you Ajnabis love tearing Somalis apart from eachother usually with the genders but it won’t work out here, we know your suspended twitter account we know it’s you in them Youtube comments, and we defo 120% know you’re not Somali, these people on this forum are my people i’m not even fully Isaaq but even if i was it don’t matter. Again a random Farax from Jubbaland would have my back over you as we are the exact same people looool remember that ak
You're the dumbest Isaaq I've seen on thios forum

Not only have u accused me of being Ethio countless times but u also tried to say I have an account on twitter or summ

Fuk outta here along with the rest of ur Isaaw prozzys giving it to next mans in Bush :camby:
not only that i didn’t even quote you nor speak to you u fucking retard, the banter Isaaqs and the rest of Somalia have with all the “easy women” jokes is between us and is just pure banter, you’re an outsider better yet you’re fuckin Eritrean looool how many times have i met an Eritrean girl that don’t like or date your men?? even met a few Lander guys that have had fun with Eri girls just to dash them away after passing them around in NW lmaoo ask Hawd even
Clinically retarded? I think you're describing yourself. I am giving you new sources and debunking your lies simultaneously and all you do is repeat something I have already disproven. I bet you'll do it again to prove my point how fucking stupid you are.

Berbera was not an Arab colony. Berbera was independent by all foreign powers and was considered the freest port in the world.


The capital was Zeila which was predominantly Somali and the Walashma Dynasty that ruled both Ifat & Adal were descendent of Sheikh Yusuf bin Ahmad al-Kawneyn who was a Somali saint of Zeila.


Benadiris are Arab refugees that settled during Ajuran era to look for a better life.



Here is the link of the book: the tradition that muslim immigrants founded the banadir&f=false

The Arabs and Persians did not rule or found any city in the Benadir coast. Already debunked and showed a book from above. It was actually ruled by the Ajuran, a Somali Sultanate.


How much territory the Ajuran extended.


Here is the book: imamate map&f=false

You have already lost the debate. I've replied all of your false paraphs with these sources and linked you them with books written by top historians.

I'm done wasting my time with you. Cya ya habash pagan
when will you guys understand this guy isn’t Somali? what Mali don do you know goes against their people on every debate? what Mali guy do you know gets angry when you tell him Ethios/Eritrean girls do this and that with ajnabis??
What is with this nonsense that Arabs and caad caads built Xamar?

Xamar was built by ethnic Somalis. In ancient times it was the city of Saparion. Modern Xamar was "re-founded" in the 9th century by Fakrad-Din, a local Somali after whom the oldest masajid in Mogadishu named.

Caad caads are descended from economic immigrants who came to Xamar after it had established itself as an economic power - it wouldn't make sense for a bunch of Arabs and Persians to randomly come together in the Middle Ages and make a city in a foreign country with powerful city-states on the site of another city which was there 1000 years earlier

Most Xamar caad caads didn't even live inside the city until around 60 years ago - they lived on the beach. Also, caad caads and bantus are the only groups in Somalia not to fight in any wars or whose men didn't (and still don't) carry any weapons, further supporting the notion that they are not emboldened expansionists and conquerors

One of the greatest tragedies of the civil war is all of this revisionism from non-Somalis trying to claim Somali history
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He's a Somali hating troll, don't agree with anything he says. I've already refuted that fool. He got banned, thank God.

Omanis never settled or controlled Xamar. In fact, not a single Benadiri tribe have an Omani origin. As for Turkey, the Ottomans remained a key ally for the Somali medieval kingdoms such as Ajuran Sultanate and Adal Sultanate.

Don't down-play your people like that. There were many great Somali kingdoms in the past that that left behind legacy and sophisticated architectures. Somalia of today are a disgrace compared to their noble ancestors since they were contributing a lot in their timeline compared to their descendants in this modern day of age.

You should read this as a head start:
I don’t know...old Mogadishu looks a lot like moscat. Besides, I’m pretty sure Oman was controlling xamar at one point.


I don’t know...old Mogadishu looks a lot like moscat. Besides, I’m pretty sure Oman was controlling xamar at one point.

Oman never ruled Mogadishu. It doesn't exactly look like Muscut. Somalis had their own style of architecture. Oman has a heavy Persian influence. Somalia have 0 Persian influence.

This was Barawa during the Ajuran era.


This was Hargeisa during the pre-colonial times. This is how Barawa looked when you zoom in.

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