Somali model exposes sheikh on Instagram

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I dont believe every online sheikh
but I dont believe every random online woman either
I dont believe anyone
even if they did do this they are both as bad as each other in my eyes
Of course which is why I said she’s literally gaining nothing from exposing herself like this. She’s literally said she flew out to France for a guy she didn’t know. I don’t care whether he claimed he was some sheikh or not. That reflects terribly on her
I’ve seen enough fraud sheikhs for my time to be neutral over this case. I would probably be more likely to believe him if he said he never met her tho rather than claim the story was faked like many of the fake sheikh denials say.
Excuse me sleepy biden, clearly you need to learn common sense, she never backed up her claim with clear evidence etc, atm she loves the attention she’s getting as nowadays there’s a Trend in “exposing sheikhs” it gathers huge amount of attention whether the claims are real or not, in this case the claims are false until she shows concrete proof.
Look how a women tried to expose mufti menk who is very well known amongst the Muslim world yet she failed miserably and now she’s soo embarrassed.
I’ve seen enough fraud sheikhs for my time to be neutral over this case. I would probably be more likely to believe him if he said he never met her tho rather than claim the story was faked like many of the fake sheikh denials say.
If I was him walaahi I will not reply to her slander, naagahaan waa attention seekers, maybe wuu ku daadiyay and she is salty lol, if you gonna come out swinging, bring tangible proof.
Of course which is why I said she’s literally gaining nothing from exposing herself like this. She’s literally said she flew out to France for a guy she didn’t know. I don’t care whether he claimed he was some sheikh or not. That reflects terribly on her
Woman do not care about their honour anymore
that is pretty clear
There is no reason to believe claims like this without any evidence, @Taij4an is right it is just slander. There are a lot of nonmuslims on this forum.

The story seems purely constructed to make the person seem like a hypocrite using religion, no real wrongdoing on a personal level to her was shared. Just that she flew out of her country to stay in a hotel to meet a man she met in a sheesha bar and was stood up apparently? It makes no sense.

Sisters should not fall victim to this kind of thing because they should know better then to travel to meet a strange man alone.

Without evidence this shouldnt be entertained.
Of course which is why I said she’s literally gaining nothing from exposing herself like this. She’s literally said she flew out to France for a guy she didn’t know. I don’t care whether he claimed he was some sheikh or not. That reflects terribly on her
ppl love attention
If she brings sufficient proof(not stuff that can be photo-shopped) then I will agree with her


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
It's obvious she got dummied and tossed to the side. She went from being in love to now seeking revenge for suffering that big humiliation. Get real. This is the oldest trick in the book. Every third woman does this.


It's obvious she got dummied and tossed to the side. She went from being in love to now seeking revenge for suffering that big humiliation. Get real. This is the oldest trick in the book. Every third woman does this.
That’s how it looks. There’s a history between the two and she’s in her feels. Used and abused situations cause many of these lash outs.

Reflects badly on her which is why I hesitate to say she’s just tryna harm some random sheikh
That’s how it looks. There’s a history between the two and she’s in her feels. Used and abused situations cause many of these lash outs.

Reflects badly on her which is why I hesitate to say she’s just tryna harm some random sheikh
his fans are doing the most let him defend himself if it goes viral . She doesn’t gain anything from this .
Of course which is why I said she’s literally gaining nothing from exposing herself like this. She’s literally said she flew out to France for a guy she didn’t know. I don’t care whether he claimed he was some sheikh or not. That reflects terribly on her
The gain would be ruining the reputation of someone. Although I do not know if this case is one of them there has been a push to paint all islamic figures as perverts by western intelligence in their war on Islam. People need to be highly skeptical about these kinds of attacks to destroy religious peoples credibility.

The gain would be ruining the reputation of someone. Although I do not know if this case is one of them there has been a push to paint all islamic figures as perverts by western intelligence in their war on Islam. People need to be highly skeptical about these kinds of attacks to destroy religious peoples credibility.

Definitely an agenda against Islam
If she was(which I don't believe her) telling the truth then atleast I know not to trust a certain group of brothers in London that he associates with, so either way its a win for me.
If she was(which I don't believe her) telling the truth then atleast I know not to trust a certain group of brothers in London that he associates with, so either way its a win for me.
Nin rag weeyaan is ok, but what I am against is calling him Munaafiq and how he said he uses religion for social media. Bring proof for that shit.
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