Yep our males are cucks. They cant control us. They are not doing their job. lol
Eedo Basra, how do you argue with his though
Yep our males are cucks. They cant control us. They are not doing their job. lol
Why do the women have bigger bodies and look tougher than the men in somalia what’s going on?Eedo Basra, how do you argue with his though
Why do the women have bigger bodies and look tougher than the men in somalia what’s going on?
Someone has toProfessor Eedo @Basra told me she believes Somali women have more testosterone than other women
Eedo Basra, how do you argue with his though
Professor Eedo @Basra told me she believes Somali women have more testosterone than other women
Unfortunatley she cant be a president since she was not born in America however she could become house of secretery which that in itself is the same level as a president or vice president for any of the elected candidates for 2020Just wait until Ilhan becomes President, they are gonna lose their minds
Loool blue ocean got other plansLOOOOL
Yes, they are mad, everything’s going to plan. Soon America shall be ours!
Looool cadans i gotta watch them real close from now on
They actually photo shopped Issis into the background, I am dead