This Eno guy is full of hate for Somalis. He is extremely biased and his "research" is absolutely worthless.
The guy even claimed that Bantus were the majority in Somalia during Siad Barre's reign

This Eno guy is full of hate for Somalis. He is extremely biased and his "research" is absolutely worthless.
This Eno guy is full of hate for Somalis. He is extremely biased and his "research" is absolutely worthless.
The guy even claimed that Bantus were the majority in Somalia during Siad Barre's reign
A useful idiot is someone who supports one side of an ideological debate, but who is manipulated and held in contempt by the leaders of their faction or is unaware of the ultimate agenda driving the ideology to which they subscribe.
If we said half the things he said we would be labelled racist and have people going ''Dadkan waa masaakin''. But here we have Somali youth clapping for him racially insulting them.I totally agree with you bro. It was so shameful to watch how they were laying at these small jibes he kept taking at us. Basically what he said was "you have no history, no identity, no intelligence", and these xoolo were clapping for him.