Somali National Anthem Choir

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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
@Odeg,she certainly aced that, but the way she dressed up, damn it,:susp: a bit of a the top to say the least! You should see the rehearsals, she looked beautiful masha allah. Will post it if I can find that vid

@Laila, such a treasonous comment:birdman:
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Thats the older anthem that is now used as anthem. Soomaliya tooso is relative new. I like both.

Any nation’s flag, bears its own color
The sky (above us), does ours look like
Defects it has none; love it with candor
Oh you White Star, at your service we are
Superior you are, in any part of our land
Be famous oh Star, like the sun (of the far)
On the day you arose, our hearts you have
Purified with pureness, (Oh you our flag)
Lord may not dim you, pray we in this night
The detached part of, our forces of five
I beseech from God, their return you cause
This fate that wrote, for us to meet now
what was this for?

i like the lyrics to the old anthem, new one sounds like another stupid somali song.
seriously though, why can't somalis do anyhing right? couldn't we produce few people who can play instruments and can write a half decent instrumental that actually sounds like an anthem. both instrumentals sound like we should start dancing rather than being inspired.
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