Somali p*ssy can be very confusing to ex-con reverts

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I have seen some videos of this akhi. All he talks about is women. Did he convert for seal?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I have seen some videos of this akhi. All he talks about is women. Did he convert for seal?

Say you a bum excon no respectable woman would look twice at and you seein all yo boys mumblin a few arabic words growing a beard and gettin married to a Somali chick of course you gonna be next in line.

@Bahal doesnt this guy remind you of the other guy:sass2:
I knew it was him from the beginning he's so transparent


Arent you both despicable atheists that are also staunch supporters of the murderous and cancerous communist kacan regime?? how can I remind you of someone else when most Somalis agree with me?? If anyone disagrees and believes you are more deserving Somali Muslim women then a revert Muslim with Iman then the Iman of such a person is in question.
Wonder why his girlfriends aint from Syria or Pakistan


Caku diaspora Somalis

why do you have such an inferiority complex towards other Muslim ethnic groups??? alhamdulilah that Somalis are not as nationalist and hateful as these other groups for nationalism is one of the coals from the hellfire. This tells me that my people are guided and upon the haqq more then other Muslim groups mashallah.
Arent you both despicable atheists that are also staunch supporters of the murderous and cancerous communist kacan regime?? how can I remind you of someone else when most Somalis agree with me?? If anyone disagrees and believes you are more deserving Somali Muslim women then a revert Muslim with Iman then the Iman of such a person is in question.

:hova::hova: :hova:
why do you have such an inferiority complex towards other Muslim ethnic groups??? alhamdulilah that Somalis are not as nationalist and hateful as these other groups for nationalism is one of the coals from the hellfire. This tells me that my people are guided and upon the haqq more then other Muslim groups mashallah.



Arent you both despicable atheists that are also staunch supporters of the murderous and cancerous communist kacan regime?? how can I remind you of someone else when most Somalis agree with me?? If anyone disagrees and believes you are more deserving Somali Muslim women then a revert Muslim with Iman then the Iman of such a person is in question.
Were only despicable kacan atheists Online when we're collecting chickens we pretend like your revert boyfriends:mjohreally:
They pretend to be Muslims we pretend to be Muslims in the end everybody pretending gets cheap somali females:rejoice:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Were only despicable kacan atheists Online when we're collecting chickens we pretend like your revert boyfriends:mjohreally:
They pretend to be Muslims we pretend to be Muslims in the end everybody pretending gets cheap somali females:rejoice:


You claim to be nationalists and upholders of somalinimo yet here you are sparing nothing to disrespect our Somali sisters by referring to them in such filthy manner like cheap. Somali women are anything but cheap and just because you kacan wastes are bitter that a few are marrying reverts who may not have the world to offer them does not mean they are at all cheap. Allah swt imbued with them great wisdom to see beyond the material things immoral kacan atheists can offer them.
Wallah now Im angry. I would love to meet these s like rooble and freebandz who cant stop talking about our Sisters and wire theyr jaws in. Only s keep constantly attacking innocent women who are far removed from what they associate with them like this.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You should be more worried about Abu Tyrone wiring your sisters jaw in


In more ways than one



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wallah now Im angry. I would love to meet these s like rooble and freebandz who cant stop talking about our Sisters and wire theyr jaws in. Only s keep constantly attacking innocent women who are far removed from what they associate with them like this.
I heard one got married to a salafi revert for two chicken legs & some French fries. That is cheap I must say.
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