Whole of Horn of Africa is Nilote, and Somalis are around 50% Dinka I believe.
I think it's around 50%; the other 10% is derived from an extinct Horn African hunter-gatherer group.
Whole of Horn of Africa is Nilote, and Somalis are around 50% Dinka I believe.
Whole of Horn of Africa is Nilote, and Somalis are around 50% Dinka I believe.
Somalis are so uniquely looking that other than a few oromos, for the most part the typical somali looks straight somali and won’t be confused with another ethn
I was in addis ababa for a couple weeks and literally 99% thought I was habesha. I have the typical dark skin somali lookI think we can pass in Ethiopia but would look atypical among habeshas especially tigrays. Amharas are heavily mixed with oromos so it would be a bit easier to pass among them.
On on the other hand we can easily pass Among sudanese arabs, they have many phenotypes and somalis can fit in easily as local arabs or nubians
Nah we still look a bit differentSomalis could pass in most of the Arab world tbh.
Egypt has a lot of dark skinned people, as does Saudi Arabia and other countries.
We could also pass in South Africa and some Caribbean areas like the Dominican Republic.
Somalis could pass in most of the Arab world tbh.
Egypt has a lot of dark skinned people, as does Saudi Arabia and other countries.
We could also pass in South Africa and some Caribbean areas like the Dominican Republic.
Even in Sudan they have this robust afro arab look that is for the most atypical in the horn (except perhaps tribes like the Beja). Thats why i think N.Ethiopia and Eritrea is where somalis best pass.Not convincingly though, I have seen many dark Egyptians and Afro-Latinos, they don't look Horner up close.
Greater Horn region, North Sudan, Kenya, and parts of the Sahel is only where Somalis look very close to the locals or a big portion of locals.
Even in Sudan they have this robust afro arab look that is for the most atypical in the horn (except perhaps tribes like the Beja). Thats why i think N.Ethiopia and Eritrea is where somalis best pass.
Bejas, Nubians, and Arabs can't even tell each other apart in Sudan. Those three groups have intermarried and exchanged cultures for at least 1,500 years.Even in Sudan they have this robust afro arab look that is for the most atypical in the horn (except perhaps tribes like the Beja). Thats why i think N.Ethiopia and Eritrea is where somalis best pass.
Bejas, Nubians, and Arabs can't even tell each other apart in Sudan. Those three groups have intermarried and exchanged cultures for at least 1,500 years.
Those are cherry-picked examples but gives you the gist of it.
Somalis could pass in most of the Arab world tbh.
Egypt has a lot of dark skinned people, as does Saudi Arabia and other countries.
We could also pass in South Africa and some Caribbean areas like the Dominican Republic.
As someone who grew up in the Arab world and was born on the Arabian Peninsula, I must disagree. We stick out among most ethnic groups outside of some Afro-Arabs. However we do pass as "Arabs" in the sense that most Arabs will assume you are Sudani or even Somali where they think we Somalis are Arabized like many Sudanis, given the league membership. Most Arabs here in the UAE approach me speaking Arabic without a second thought but wouldn't do that to an cadaan, desi or southeast asian.
This girl looks more Somali to me (the guy is Yemeni)They look very Somali to me,
compared to other Sudani. They have this Natufian red skin, wich can be mistaken for Srilanka wich is of Cushitic origin.
What's your point? Beja and all Cushitic groups have Cushitic DNA. I agree Yamen can look some what Somali because they don't have Nilotic in them. But these Yamen are mixed with Bantu, so they don't really look Somali at all.This girl looks more Somali to me (the guy is Yemeni)
Then you have some Sudanese people like Eman El-Shareef that don't look Somali
I mentioned that he's Yemeni to exclude his presence but I see that completely flew over your head lol.What's your point? Beja and all Cushitic groups have Cushitic DNA. I agree Yamen can look some what Somali because they don't have Nilotic in them. But these Yamen are mixed with Bantu, so they don't really look Somali at all.