anyone can run independent in the US, no requirements outside signing up/ being over 35 and born in the countryJust like how the US works. You can't run in elections without donations and the committee's you are allowed to apply for is also based on your level of donations.
Financial donations signify implicit endorsement by the real people in charge... Corporations and other interests groups.
Sure it'll lead to conflict of interests but it's a system that works by keeping power mad populist politicians in check.
Mainly because it's in the interests of those groups to have a strong economy and a somewhat stable governance over the long term.
As a large shareholder in the Somali economy I would probably want stability so that my assets would continue to have value.
Those civil group members would also lose their status in society if things turn chaotic again...
Give these people a reason to protect the rule of law and the status quo of a stable developing Somalia and then make them king makers.
If they fail then the first to lose out would be them.