Somali Pop the Balloon Just Dropped 🚨

What does that change? :cosbyhmm:
Way harder for ajanabi to use to insult somalis. This post for a fact won’t blow up. Also it way less degenerate if you listen to the questions. Something you can’t say the same for the AA run pop the balloon meet up. That meet up had a Somali recruiter that was only getting paid sub 1000$ to cause all that fitnah :mjlol:
Way harder for ajanabi to use to insult somalis. This post for a fact won’t blow up. Also it way less degenerate if you listen to the questions. Something you can’t say the same for the AA run pop the balloon meet up. That meet up had a Somali recruiter that was only getting paid sub 1000$ to cause all that fitnah :mjlol:

I agree. I don’t think the Somali diaspora version of Pop the Balloon would have been degenerate either, unless they recuit a bunch of saqajaans, addicts, etc onto the show. Despite what we occasionally see on the internet, most Somalis are rather conservative. We would not have seen any ‘do a 360’ or anything of the like on the show.
I agree. I don’t think the Somali diaspora version of Pop the Balloon would have been degenerate either, unless they recuit a bunch of saqajaans, addicts, etc onto the show. Despite what we occasionally see on the internet, most Somalis are rather conservative. We would not have seen any ‘do a 360’ or anything of the like on the show.
I doubt it! AA would've been running it. You know how they run their content.
I agree. I don’t think the Somali diaspora version of Pop the Balloon would have been degenerate either, unless they recuit a bunch of saqajaans, addicts, etc onto the show. Despite what we occasionally see on the internet, most Somalis are rather conservative. We would not have seen any ‘do a 360’ or anything of the like on the show.
Your comment really shows that you know nothing about ramina dime.
Why the hell do africans love using the annoying ass laugh track, that shit will never be funny and ruins the videos. let alone theyre doing the whole balloon popping wrong, they need to delete this shit and never do it again
I don't think the diaspora Somali version of pop the balloon would have been degenerate. I would say 95% of Somalis are reasonably conservative, hence the producers would have read the room and knew that very immodest clothing, crude language and any suggestion of anything physical would cause a major backlash. At the end of the day Somalis are Muslim and certain things will always be seen as beyond the pale, even amongst the somewhat liberal.

However, in saying that, I don't like the concept of these shows and I don't think it's something Muslims shouldn’t be dabbling in. The concept is simply not Islamic and goes against our gender dynamics that's meant to view courtship with seriousness and for the sole reason of marriage. Pop the balloon not only encourages unnecessary mixing of men and women but also views relationships in a casual lens, generated for entertainment purposes.

To add, sadly I can't even say this is 'against' our culture per se as unfortunately today's 21st century Somalis have now took on excessive ostentatiousness and a love for manufactured sensationalism. Public Shukaansi, arguments, rants and unneeded voicing of opinions is now the order of the day amongst those that hail from the motherland. Even marriage has been reduced to something to be trivialized with youngsters often marrying in her our community without any real vetting.
We’re actually jar**rs. Adoons, madows whatever you want to claim. We are that.

Sooner we accept this the better

