He states we have a population of 48 million and could surpass Hausas by 2040 how true do you guys think his statement is by 2040 how large could the ethnic Somali population be in Africa
I truly think there are 50 million+ Somali's in Somalia. Somalia has the highest birth rate in Africa. These numbers they put out is to demoralize Somali's and to inbolden our neighbors to invade due false information. For instance the amount of Somali's in northern Kenya nfd area census was recently taken and they had to do a recount due to the Kenya government amenting they had lied on the census of the amount of Somali's in nfd area or Somali in Kenya. This can also be said about Ogandan Region Ethiopian government states Somalis are the third largest community in Ethiopia, but they don't put correct numbers up due them not wanting Somali to know there true numbersrepo said:
Most of the country seems empty. I think the 13 million number is closer to reality.
Population Source 13 million CIA Factbook (2025) 18.3 million World Bank (2023) 18.7 million United Nations Population Fund (2024)
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There are about 18 million Somali's that live in Ogandan Region. Somali's are the 3 biggest ethnic groups in Ethiopia.Wabari said:
The Somali ethnic population count has to be done by people without an agenda. I mean, in Ethiopia, they say the Somali population is 6% of the country, which I doubt is true. I’m sure they aren’t counting the Somalis who live in other states or chartered cities. I think it’s the same in Kenya. So, unless we get a truly reliable source to conduct the count, I wouldn’t trust it.