Somalis didn’t exist back then.The somalis probably lived in upper egypt lower nubia durning the green sahara period and later moved south looking for greener pastures. There is a clear traceable path of their southern movment.
Upper egypt if i recall have a high concentration of e-v12 which is the parent haplogroup av
e-v32 mutation. South of that in sudan you will find a high consentration of e-v32 among the masalit, fur and beja people. Down from that is amhara, tigre and tigrayans wich also have a high e-v32. Down from them is oromo who also have high e-v32 population. Finaly the somalis
with the highst e-v32 concentration.
Furthermore the somalis have intermixed with nilotic like population who is not native to the horn of africa and only found historicly in sudan. There is also a lingusitc path from upper egypt down to the horn of africa. Haplogroup e is one of the oldest haplogrops in the world and belongs to africa contunent Wa Allahu a'lam.