Somali Red Wedding


Forza Somalia!
The somalis probably lived in upper egypt lower nubia durning the green sahara period and later moved south looking for greener pastures. There is a clear traceable path of their southern movment.

Upper egypt if i recall have a high concentration of e-v12 which is the parent haplogroup av
e-v32 mutation. South of that in sudan you will find a high consentration of e-v32 among the masalit, fur and beja people. Down from that is amhara, tigre and tigrayans wich also have a high e-v32. Down from them is oromo who also have high e-v32 population. Finaly the somalis
with the highst e-v32 concentration.

Furthermore the somalis have intermixed with nilotic like population who is not native to the horn of africa and only found historicly in sudan. There is also a lingusitc path from upper egypt down to the horn of africa. Haplogroup e is one of the oldest haplogrops in the world and belongs to africa contunent Wa Allahu a'lam.
Somalis didn’t exist back then.
Somalis are not egyption nor do they speak their language. Somali ancestry predate the predynastic egyptian they have also coexisted with them and outlasted ancient egyptions new kingdom and the late period. Somalis livestyle in the early 20th centery wasn't that diffrent from
ouple of thousend years back. Stone industries and hide clothing still existed in somalia
and now it's found among the konso.
The Somali ancestor only existed 2000 years ago, tracing TMCA, no such things as Somalis than

Pharaohs were more ancient

Garaad diinle

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The Somali ancestor only existed 2000 years ago, tracing TMCA, no such things as Somalis than

Pharaohs were more ancient
ehem 3300 years before present to be exact right around the bronze age collapse. The TMRCA was calculated after examining somali population but what about somaloid people such as rendille baiso and arbore. The TMRCA might go fruther back.

Anyway in regard to the ¨Pharaohs were more ancient¨ or ¨Somalis didn’t exist back then¨
there was these cave paintigs found in northern somalia depicting somali ancestors pastrolest life styel that never changed much. These cave paintig are 5000 thousend years old roughly around the predynastic era. It's they who would later become the modern somalis. The somali culture is nothing but countinuation of these cave painters culture. Somalis in some area as i previusly wrote in early 20th century retain stone industries and hide clothing which was prevalent 5000 thousend years ago and now only found among konso. Menawhile around 2000 years ago or less egyption was unable to read hieroglyphics.


As with most historical books, there is always some outdated and debunked theories or stories, but I wouldn't discount the entire book. Some parts are actually true. Also didn't you say Somalis are native to southern Ethiopia?
It's not a historical book. It's a mythical book with some historical facts but it's very unreliable.