Somali reddit users have no spine


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Ethnicity isn't identity
Lineage is identity who are forefathers and who your decent from is identity
Also how to know if someone is somali like Ethiopians claiming to somali like some oromos claim to be somali
Those ethiopians can easily be rooted out through other meana, also who gives a shit about who your 20th great grandfather was in todays day and age? And guess what? You baboons kill each other over this stupid stuff.
How come clan wars were prevalent in the 1800s? It doesnt matter if there is peace or not that system is old and may have worked in the past but in this modern day and age its backwards through and through and somalis should have transitioned from it a long time ago yet we havent.

There was no clan wars in pre-colonial times, there was competition for access and control but people allied with eachother across seperate clan lines. For example Majerteen supported 1 faction of Isaaqs with another faction of Isaaq connected to Zayla fighting over control of Berbera and it ultimately ended up with the creation of the sister port Bullaxaar.

But overall most of the major conflicts were around separate governing philosophies and expansion of trade. Hobyo vs Majerteen , Bardheree vs Geledi for example.
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Those ethiopians can easily be rooted out through other meana, also who gives a shit about who your 20th great grandfather was in todays day and age? And guess what? You baboons kill each other over this stupid stuff.
I and majority of somalis do care about tribe and clan and who are our ancestors Tribe and clan are identity and connections to know are your kinship your relives counsin so it shouldn't be abolish tribe is mention in the quran which allah said in the quran Allah made us into tribes and nations
So you are wrong for saying tribes should be abolish
Lets me just reiterate what i have said in another thread:
If Qabils killing eachother was actually a thing, we would have seized to exist as a people long time ago. Because we would have wiped each-other out.

So don't buy into that rubbish narrative.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I and majority of somalis do care about tribe and clan and who are our ancestors Tribe and clan are identity and connections to know are your kinship your relives counsin so it shouldn't be abolish tribe is mention in the quran which allah said in the quran Allah made us into tribes and nations
So you are wrong for saying tribes should be abolish
How does your qabiil benefit you.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
There was no clan wars in pre-colonial times, there was competition for access and control but people allied with eachother across seperate clan lines. For example Majerteen supported 1 faction of Isaaqs with another faction of Isaaq connected to Zayla fighting over control of Berbera and it ultimately ended up with the creation of the sister port Bullaxaar.

But overall most of the major conflicts were around separate governing philosophies and expansion of trade. Hobyo vs Majerteen , Bardheree vs Geledi for example.
How come there was no unity? Lets face it qabiil is a big roadblock and reason as to why somalis couldnt fully develop and reach full potential.
How come there was no unity? Lets face it qabiil is a big roadblock and reason as to why somalis couldnt fully develop and reach full potential.

There was far more unity in Somalia then most of the non-industrialized modern world at the time.

Ties of kinship (qabil) actually connected and tied Somalis together. And they worked with eachother for a common goal. Whereas other societies were split apart, and isolated from one another.

