Somali Scholar Professor Samatar CONDEMNS tribalist Farmajo for his tribally written Theseis

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I think I've found my neo-qabilist twin. Welcome baayo. :mjpls:
That cannot be denied walal my uncle was massacred in his home along with my first cousins. Only my Aunt survived because they merely raped her. Their properties looted and their homes destroyed. This is well documented. If my parents didn't escape to the west after the Hargeisa bombings and instead went to Mogadishu the same could've occurred.

Clan Cleansing in Somalia tells the whole story,


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I wasn't even talking shit directing at you. But for some reason you attack me for dumb reasons. If you don't like my posts simply put me on ignore or scroll past its that simple. I don't need to have this childish argument with you:pachah1:

You were trying to talk shit about a dead man who happens to be my relative. Was he supposed to crawl out of his grave and defend himself? :kodaksmiley:

No, I won't put you on ignore. Every time you say some stupid shit, I'll be right there putting you back in your place. I don't care how that makes you feel.
This is old lady must be having midlife crisis acting like this on net. :russ:

She even pretended to get hacked to get attention.:mjlol:

Wallahi she needs mental help:kodaksmiley:

The Gucci ass are you shemale ? Why did you decide to change from fake warya to Gucci ? You know that mane refers to horse. :mjlol:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
That cannot be denied walal my uncle was massacred in his home along with my first cousins. Only my Aunt survived because they merely raped her. Their properties looted and their homes destroyed. This is well documented. If my parents didn't escape to the west after the Hargeisa bombings and instead went to Mogadishu the same could've occurred.

Clan Cleansing in Somalia tells the whole story,


I look forward to your contribution to this forum. :nvjpqts:


Your superior
Why do you have a problem with Darood? You just said AUN to a war criminal and the man behind the clan cleansing of Darood. I see why Larry made the thread he did. Afaaraha dadka reer Somalia maxaa ku daba gelay waryaahee? Inta badan waxad leedahay Puntland waxay leyihin cuqdad Somaliland. Had iyo gor ba lakiin waxad ku dhex jirta afaaraha Somalia wan garan la'ahay waxasi.
I have no problem with darod or any other Somali clan.
I don't see him as a war criminal, USC and SNM was fighting against the dictator when Somaliland and Somalia were united. He is a hero because his group took the pressure off SNM. I can talk about the civil war since it started when Somaliland and Somalia were in a union
That cannot be denied walal my uncle was massacred in his home along with my first cousins. Only my Aunt survived because they merely raped her. Their properties looted and their homes destroyed. This is well documented. If my parents didn't escape to the west after the Hargeisa bombings and instead went to Mogadishu the same could've occurred.

Clan Cleansing in Somalia tells the whole story,

I am sorry sis for aunt ' tragic Allah is great and will revenge for her.


I have no problem with darod or any other Somali clan.
I don't see him as a war criminal, USC and SNM was fighting against the dictator when Somaliland and Somalia were united. He is a hero because his group took the pressure off SNM. I can talk about the civil war since it started when Somaliland and Somalia were in a union
You are intellectually dishonest.
@Gambar Are you a MJ?
Yes I'm MJ.

I am sorry sis for aunt ' tragic Allah is great and will revenge for her.
Ameen this happened to many folks. Dumarki waa la xoogay la faraxumayay kow laga siyay. Many people have the same story.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I have no problem with Hawiye women only the men. Everybody has their grievances and if that means cuqdad then so be it.
Why would a person born and bred in the west ( I'm assuming) hold grievances towards another clan? Are you an old duq?
I have no problem with Hawiye women only the men. Everybody has their grievances and if that means cuqdad then so be it.
I'm assuming you're born and bread in the west, so why would you hold a grievance towards Hawiyes? You act as if you've personally been victimized by them. Are you an old duq? Were you victimized by Hawiye men in the 90's? :cosbyhmm: You could just say you're a qabilist.


Why would a person born and bred in the west ( I'm assuming) hold grievances towards another clan? Are you an old duq?

I'm assuming you're born and bread in the west, so why would you hold a grievance towards Hawiyes? You act as if you've personally been victimized by them. Are you an old duq? Were you victimized by Hawiye men in the 90's? :cosbyhmm: You could just say you're a qabilist.
Yes I'm a qabiilist so's everybody. Doesn't matter if I was born and bred in the west my family was executed, murdered, properties looted, my family members raped because they're Darood. So miss with that old duq bullshit. The civil war in the south occurred Jan '91 just shy of 26 years that's not a duuq doqonyahay. Caqli lix saac Hawiye.
Salute abaha ku was
lol niyoow thats not something to be proud of.
You just embarrassed yourself, how can you stand face to face with the man who slaughtered 2000 of your people, :uCkf6mf::O27GWRK:

You even went as far as to give him a hero's welcome in your madaxtooyo:icon lol::icon lol:

Do you see us giving Morgan a hero's welcome in our towns?:icon lol:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Yes I'm a qabiilist so's everybody. Doesn't matter if I was born and bred in the west my family was executed, murdered, properties looted, my family members raped because they're Darood. So miss with that old duq bullshit. The civil war in the south occurred Jan '91 just shy of 26 years that's not a duuq doqonyahay. Caqli lix saac Hawiye.
Do you also hate darod for bombing Hargeisa, which is why you're in the west in the first place? Or you don't because you're one? Miss me with that bullshit. Everyone suffered in the war, what happened to your family was tragic, but I love how you mention two bad things that happened to you, but only hate one of the group of people involved. My adeer and edo were killed in Mogadishu, yet I don't hate darods because I can't blame darods for what a few people did. You act as if darods were just helpless victims, last time I checked it was a civil war and bad things happen in civil wars. Either way, continue your hate, I actually support it. I advocate for separate Somalia for every major clan, united Somalia is a farce.
Yes I'm a qabiilist so's everybody. Doesn't matter if I was born and bred in the west my family was executed, murdered, properties looted, my family members raped because they're Darood. So miss with that old duq bullshit. The civil war in the south occurred Jan '91 just shy of 26 years that's not a duuq doqonyahay. Caqli lix saac Hawiye.
Everybody in the Civil War got killed, looted or raped because they were xyz.

That doesn't take away from your loss and I feel sympathy for you, but you were far from the only one who lost something.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Do you also hate darod for bombing Hargeisa, which is why you're in the west in the first place? Or you don't because you're one? Miss me with that bullshit. Everyone suffered in the war, what happened to your family was tragic, but I love how you mention two bad things that happened to you, but only hate one of the group of people involved. My adeer and edo were killed in Mogadishu, yet I don't hate darods because I can't blame darods for what a few people did. You act as if darods were just helpless victims, last time I checked it was a civil war and bad things happen in civil wars. Either way, continue your hate, I actually support it. I advocate for separate Somalia for every major clan, united Somalia is a farce.
Lol, didn't you brag about 1991 several times? Why would you do that if you don't hate Daroods?


Do you also hate darod for bombing Hargeisa, which is why you're in the west in the first place? Or you don't because you're one? Miss me with that bullshit. Everyone suffered in the war, what happened to your family was tragic, but I love how you mention two bad things that happened to you, but only hate one of the group of people involved. My adeer and edo were killed in Mogadishu, yet I don't hate darods because I can't blame darods for what a few people did. You act as if darods were just helpless victims, last time I checked it was a civil war and bad things happen in civil wars. Either way, continue your hate, I actually support it. I advocate for separate Somalia for every major clan, united Somalia is a farce.
USC targeted Darood households and everybody knows that, it's a fact. It was clan cleansing. Afweyne had leveled Hargeisa and did aerial bombardments against Isaaq because of the SNM. The SNM did not go around killing and looting Darood as a result. People in Mogadishu had D written on their doors, their own Hawiye neighbors turned against them, raped women in mosques. They didn't just target Darood they kidnapped Benadiri Reer Xamar women and raped them. In January 1991 if you were Darood you weren't safe.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Lol, didn't you brag about 1991 several times? Why would you do that if you don't hate Daroods?
It was fkd, do you know what that means nigga? I don't hate darods and only Allah knows what's in my heart. Why am I not allowed to trigger and insult darods on this forum, when they insult me all the time? Does that mean I hate them? No! Am I a qabilist? Yes, because I'm proud of my clan and who I am and I will defend my people (verbally) but doesn't mean I hate anyone.
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