Somali society is Secular

I disagree. We are living in a time of fitnah, where some may even argue the end of times is near. So there is no country that really follows Islam 100%. Even Saudi Arabia which has Makkah and madinah has concerts now.

But comparing to a lot of countries Somalia is actually very good in terms of religion. Outside of maybe Mogadishu it is very rare to see a woman dressed without the correct islamic hijab. When the adhan of the Salah is read everybody stops what they are doing to go pray. If you dont pray you are looked at as weird.

Yes Somalia may have faults. But I think most of our faults is to do with tribalism and the bloodshed that happens not neccessarily other aspects.


Somalis in Somalia are only "secular" when it comes to praying and flirting. They wouldn't wear the hijab as well if most weren't nappy headed.

Otherwise, they're more strict than ibn Taymiyah for everything else.
yea cause being nappy headed is the reason why somali women are forced to wear the hijab. def not the reason we're from a religious women-hating shithole. lol as if the vast majority of us don't have curly to coily hair. even if it's such a big problem, we have access to perms, wigs, hair straighteners and blow dryers are cheap af. and if you're desperate and broke, you can use a clothing iron and towel to straighten ur hair like many older somali women did back in the day. even in the west, why would anybody hide their nappy hair when hijabis get treated much worse.


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