Somali standup

Humiliation kink epidemic amongst our folks. This brudda is either in his late 20s/early 30s willingly going out in front of crowd and camera looking like Carl Winslow.
I hate comedians.
Humiliation kink epidemic amongst our folks. This brudda is either in his late 20s/early 30s willingly going out in front of crowd and camera looking like Carl Winslow.
I keep getting recommended comedy like this on youtube. Self deprecating humour by a frumpy person. It's not even funny.
The bit was funny. Don't really see him mocking anything.

At least he is honest and says that he doesn't know anything about Somalia and i'm guessing he came across the Wikipedia page made by propagandists. His mom was right there really was no genocide.

There was counter-insurgency happening during the closing years of the Kacaan regime, but a lot of people tragically lost their lives.