Somali Students in the Soviet Union (1960-1978)


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I think the USSR used the excuse of excessive drinking or alcoholism whenever incidents occur in order to sweep it under the rug. Somalia was a Muslim country and was not going investigate deaths, crimes or assaults if their citizens were drunk, it would cause unnecessary attention.

Just read this quote and tell me how a mutilated corpse was drunk and behaved badly.

For example, in 1972 in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) a Somali student fell from a window; in 1973 a Somali student of the Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages was found in the street dead; and in 1975, in Kharkov, the mutilated body of another Somali student was found.40 In all cases, the police claimed that Somalis were drunk and behaved badly.


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