Went post-diving to pull these up for your bene.I thought you was from Djibouti right? Ciise maybe?
Partly from Djibouti on my mother's side (grandfather), I don't mind saying. Here are the only posts I've made that might give a clue as to my background, which is all I have to say about the matter.
IMO, people shouldn't even be marrying from their qabil to begin with. I've always thought shit's too close for comfort.
low-key most of them are related.
The groups are large enough that I think that can't be true across the board, but then you see folks that are hell-bent on marrying their own qabil within their qabil within their qabil, and you start to wonder. Is that not detrimental thinking?
Take Djibouti. It's literally a country made up of one clan and a splattering of minorities. I'm part Djib, and I worry about it for that reason. I tend to think the city-state theme Somalia's adopted is cause for worry, too. For eff's sake, Somalis are homogenous enough as it is.
Waa wareey I forgot to ask @VixR what her qabiil is.
Someone asked me on Anon the mili-second I joinedI'm not interested in this whole sheegato, qabil this qabil that thing. I had to ask my folks! All I'll say is I'm from the North, Reer Waaqyi by blood and affiliation.