Somali weyn united

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Same people share same language cuisine intermarriage each other for centuries same music so SAME language/cuisine/music/intermarriage/color/physical feather/history/land/ religion
I was joking, take my words with a pinch of salt.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nabeel made a thread the other day about irir & it seemed to me that he was shocked that it existed & just discovered it.


Your superior
You contributed to our society nothing, beside chaos. Live separately. That will be good.

Who is your society.

We all know who contributed to Somali race. We have contributed in the fields of
business, literature, intellectuals, arts. What have you contributed to the Somali race


Southie pride
^^You lie. You contributed bullshit.
We contributed a lot in science, Music, poet, etc. I will name it.
Ahmed idaaja ( poet historian, writor Somali script)
Abdulqadir hirsi YAM YAM( Poet, Somali nationalist)
Ahmed Sheikh (the first Somali Dr and Minister of health)

I can drop here lot of people known in Somalia. We contributed a lot to the society. Don't just look the dark side of the Army. doqon
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Your superior
I contributed a lot. I will name it.
Ahmed idaaja ( poet historian, writor Somali script)
Abdulqadir hirsi YAM YAM( Poet, Somali nationalist)
Ahmed Sheikh (th first Somali Dr and Minister of health)

I can drop here lot of people known in Somalia. We contributed a lot. Don't just look the dark side of the Army. doqon
I never heard of those folk.
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